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Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan
25-Mai-11, 11:32 Uhr ()
Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan

Rubicon Group Holding (RGH), a Jordan-based diversified entertainment organization, has announced that it has been appointed to design and produce The Red Sea Astrarium (TRSA), a 184-acre themed entertainment resort located in Aqaba, Jordan.

The US$1bn (714m euro, £640m) resort will be anchored by a Star Trek theme park, which will be developed by Paramount Recreation.

According to a statement from RGH, the Star Trek attraction will deliver a variety of multi-sensory "23rd-century experiences", including a space-flight adventure featuring real-time immersive experiences.

"At its core, Star Trek is about bringing worlds together and about a profound hope for the future," said Liz Kalodner, EVP and general manager of CBS Consumer Products. "We are proud to bring such a unique, interactive Star Trek property to this part of the world to be a part of Jordan's future."

Elsewhere, TRSA will feature story telling combined with immersive entertainment experiences.

Exact details are to be confirmed but the resort will include a number of attractions, a large theatre, late night entertainment as well as a range of accommodation options, restaurants and retail.

Scheduled to open in 2014, TRSA will be designed as a family destination. Architectural firm Callison has been appointed to master plan the resort.

According to Randa S. Ayoubi, CEO of RGH, the resort's attractions will draw from the history of the surrounding area as well as Babylonian, British and Roman influences to provide an "incomparable adventure".

Ayoubi said: "TRSA will be a destination showcase in an extraordinary part of Jordan.

"The opportunity to lead the design on such a remarkable project and to work with such world class partners as CBS and Paramount is a dream-come-true for the entire RGH family. We are honored, elated, and proud to have our Themed Entertainment team in charge of moving this project forward."


Every new project at Imagineering starts with the assumption that it will be fun and exciting. We never say we don't really want to do it this way - we do it the best way we know how. We are our end users because we like the product.
Walt Disney Imagineering

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Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan, Ronin, 25-Mai-11, 11:32 Uhr, (0)
  RE: Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan, Toby, 25-Mai-11, 18:44 Uhr, (1)
     RE: Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan, Alex Korting, 26-Mai-11, 14:03 Uhr, (2)

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Mitglied seit 25-Mar-04
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1. RE: Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan
25-Mai-11, 18:44 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Nachdem Star Trek - The Experience in Las Vegas geschlossen wurde, weil es nicht mehr so gut gelaufen ist und das Star Trek Resort in der selben Stadt nie über den Planungsstatus hinaus gekommen ist, sollen die Trekker jetzt also alle in den Jordan pilgern?
In etwa so, wie die Ferrari Fans jetzt alle nach Abu Dhabi reisen?

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Alex Korting

Mitglied seit 15-Jan-05
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2. RE: Star Trek theme park planned for Jordan
26-Mai-11, 14:03 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 1
Hier gibt es immerhin einen ganz großen Fan im Land!

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