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Titel: "Cedar Point: Zu sehr an der Preisspirale gedreht?"     Vorheriger Beitrag | Nächster Beitrag
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Beitrag Nr. 6064


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Cedar Point: Zu sehr an der Preisspirale gedreht?
10-Okt-05, 15:43 Uhr ()
Hi zusammen,

bei Cedar Fair ist wohl ein Umdenken in Sachen Preispolitik mit stetig steigenden Preisen in Gange?

Artikel Toledoblade

Last month Mr. Kinzel seemed to rethink the connection between high admission prices and lower attendance at the company's flagship amusement park. He acknowledged that the company "might have out-priced ourselves in the marketplace" and needed to take some steps to stop the slide in attendance.
While Cedar Point has long had discounted admission promotions, its general admission price for anyone age 3 and over has been inching up steadily, including this year. But now the company is said to be studying its pricing policies and will decide within two months whether they need adjusting in 2006 to attract financially tapped-out families.


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935 Beiträge
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1. Cedar Fair hat Interesse an Six Flags
12-Okt-05, 16:02 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Erst sich Gedanken über zu hohe Preise machen und dann gleich einen Konkurrenten aufkaufen:

Bericht im Toledo Blade

Stacy Frole, director of investor relations for Cedar Fair, said her Sandusky company has financial wherewithal to buy Six Flags or some of its parks. But the deal would have to make financial and strategic sense, she added.
"If the price is right, we'd go for it," she explained. "This has been going on for a month or two, but Six Flags has only made its financial information available now. Until we look at it, we can't say what we will do."


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