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Titel: "Bald ein indoor/outdoor Park in der nähe vom Pittsburgh Flughafen?!"     Vorheriger Beitrag | Nächster Beitrag
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Bald ein indoor/outdoor Park in der nähe vom Pittsburgh Flughafen?!
13-Dez-03, 13:10 Uhr ()

Einige Leute planen an einen Indoor/Outdoor Park in der nähe vom Pittsburg`s Flughafen. Der Park soll "traditionelle" Elemente enthalten ( denke mal damit sind Ride wie Wellenflieger;Achterbahn usw. gemeint ), sowie einen Wasserpark. Innen drin wird es ein "snow dome" geben zum Schlittenfahren usw. der das ganze Jahr auf haben wird. 2006 sollte der Park dann eröffnen mit der Kostensumme von 105 Millionen Dollar, aber einige Personen aus der Freizeitpark Szene sagen, dass der Park zuviel kosten würde so das er nicht gebaut würde.

The Only In America group hopes to open in 2006 at an estimated cost of $105 million, but amusement park experts predict it will cost that much just to start the building process

Huge New Amusement Park Planned

PITTSBURGH -- A Franklin Park man and five friends want to build an indoor/outdoor amusement park near Pittsburgh International Airport, Channel 4's Shiba Russell reported Thursday.

Joseph Jarvis said his group is looking for corporate sponsors and 400 acres of land for the project, known as the Only In America Amusement Complex.

"Planes flying over -- kids on planes think, 'Look at the amusement park.' You can't beat the advertising out near the airport," Jarvis said.

Only In America would be five times as large as Kennywood Park. Jarvis said the plans include a golf course and a coffeehouse for seniors.

Kennywood Entertainment, which owns Kennywood, Sandcastle, and Idewild and Soak Zone, is not too concerned about the potential competition.

"There are a number of amusement parks in this area," Kennywood's Mary Lou Rosemeyer said. "Demographically, we're not an area that is increasing in numbers rapidly."

But Jarvis thinks there will be plenty of customer dollars to go around.

"If we can bring the tourists into the area, they'll spend a day at our park and then they'll go spend a day at Sandcastle, spend a day at Kennywood, at the zoo, and keep their money in Pittsburgh," Jarvis said.

Jarvis said two companies have already agreed to back the project. He would not disclose the names.

The Only In America group hopes to open in 2006 at an estimated cost of $105 million, but amusement park experts predict it will cost that much just to start the building process


Sebastian Horacek alias Coasters

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1. RE: Bald ein indoor/outdoor Park in der nähe vom Pittsburgh Flughafen?!
17-Dez-03, 06:00 Uhr ()
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Sebastian Horacek alias Coasters

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