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Titel: "SPAM - zum Lachen, Weinen und Ärgern..."     Vorheriger Beitrag | Nächster Beitrag
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Beitrag Nr. 5207
Thomas Kmoderator

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SPAM - zum Lachen, Weinen und Ärgern...
14-Dez-03, 22:31 Uhr ()
Gerade frisch bei mir eingetroffen:

Jetzt müssen wir zusammenarbeiten!!! Eine Homepage die wir vor ca. einem Jahr schliessen konnten, ist jetzt anscheinend wiederzurück. WIR WOLLEN diese Seite noch einmal schliessen! Ein Japaner in New York züchtet und verkauft Katzen, die BONSAI CATS genannt werden. Das hört sich alles noch ganz harmlos an, wenn es nicht so wäre, dass diese Katzen ein muskelentspannendes Mittel bekommen, LEBEND in Flaschen gesteckt werden und da den Rest ihres Lebens verbringen! Die Katzen werden durch eine Röhre gefüttert und haben einen kleinen Schlauch für die Exkrementen. Die Knochenstruktur der Katze formt sich nach der Flasche, weil die Katze wächst nimmt sie die form einer Flasche an. Die Katzen werden als originelle und exklusive Schmuckgegenstände verwendet. Diese Unmenschlichkeit ist die neuste Mode in New York, China und Indonesien. Wenn Du es verkraften kannst (es sind schlimme Bilder!) kannst du dir Bilder auf der Folgenden Adresse ansehen: ; oder sehe Methoden um die Katzen in die Flaschen zu drücken. Die Protestliste MUSS 500 Namen enthalten. Bitte Kopiere diesen Tex und...blablablabla

Gruß Thomas

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  Auch nicht schlecht fand ich die hier:, sirrogate, 14-Dez-03, 22:34 Uhr, (1)
     RE: Auch nicht schlecht fand ich die hier:, SoftwareFailure, 14-Dez-03, 22:46 Uhr, (2)
     RE: Auch nicht schlecht fand ich die hier:, M_S, 15-Dez-03, 03:23 Uhr, (3)
         RE: Da isser wieder!, airtime, 15-Dez-03, 05:48 Uhr, (4)

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eMail senden sirrogate Private Nachricht senden an sirrogate Freundesliste
1. Auch nicht schlecht fand ich die hier:
14-Dez-03, 22:34 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Datum: 19.11.2003 05:05 (Mit)
Antwort an:

You may be surprised to receive my letter. I got your contact from the
the internet during my desperate search for a saviour and a partner. I have decided to contact you for
confidential, urgent and rewarding joint business.
My name is Major Fredrick Mumba , I am a Personal Assistant to the embatled
President of Liberia, CHARLES TAILOR.We both left our country to seek asylum in a neigbouring country as a result of the opposition party activities and intervention of other African countries. The purpose
of writing to you is because of the need for a trusted and honest
person,whom I can entrust the sum of US$18,000,000 in his/her care.

This money is presently in care of a security company in Europe,they are the one that help move the money out of Liberia at the outbreak of the strugle for power that as put my country into georpardy in the last few months.
According to my earlier agreement with the security company in charge,i am suppose to meet them in their office on the 1st of october 2003 but i could not travel out of our host country where I am on asylum, hence I am asking for your assistance to help take delivery of this fund into your care pending
when I will secure travel documents to come over to your country.
If you accept this offer we shall share the money as follows:For you,
25%, 75% for me. I have all the title documents to the fund, which I
can transfer to you to enable you, have access to it. Be assured that
is risk-free and legitimate.
Please advise me on your position by e-mail immediately, indicating
your phone and fax numbers.
I await your prompt reply.
Major Fredrick Mumba.

mfg Boris
The contents of this posting are licensed under the Creative Commons license.

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1900 Beiträge
eMail senden SoftwareFailure Private Nachricht senden an SoftwareFailure Freundesliste
2. RE: Auch nicht schlecht fand ich die hier:
14-Dez-03, 22:46 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 1
Mehr zum diesem Thema gibt es hier:

Erstes Rollercoaster Festival in Sandusky, Ohio

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Mitglied seit 6-Mar-02
493 Beiträge
Private Nachricht senden an M_S Freundesliste ICQ
3. RE: Auch nicht schlecht fand ich die hier:
15-Dez-03, 03:23 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 1
Ach die mail. Von sowas habe ich verschiedene!
Dear Sir,

I am Mrs. Mariam Abacha, the widow of Sani Abacha
the Late Nigerian Head of State.

I am presently in distress and under House arrest
The government has frozen all the family account
and auctioned all our properties.

To save the family from total bankruptcy I was able to
arrange and deposited in a security company, a total
sum of US20,000,000.00. I accumulated the mentioned
sum while in office as the Chairperson of the now
rested Family Support Programme.

Owing to the present problem that I have, I will not
be able to follow up this project as I would have
loved to do. I am writing presently because I want you
to receive the money and pay into your account for the
family safely.

I am offering you 30% for assisting me secure this
money fast. Contact me immediately with my
Email Address so that I can forward to you all
necessary details.

Kindly send your phone and fax numbers for easy

Best regards.

Dear friend,
Naturally, this letter will come to you as a surprise since we have not met, permit me however, I am Mr. Peter Williams, Zimbabwean Farmer.
I am contacting you as the need to for me to have a foreign
partner in your country has become necessary due to my plans to relocate and establish a private company in that region, as the present political instability in my country Zimbabwe, does not encourage financial investment as the environment is not conducive for investment and most of all security is not insured, just as reported by international media.
This problem started when the Zimbabwean government under the
leadership of President Robert Mugabe announced a degree on May 31st 2000 to seize more than 849 white-owned farms. So far, more than 1,400 white owned farms have been invaded and confiscated, as well as claiming the properties of the farmers.
During these periods, as reported by international media and the
CNN, more than 6 white farmers were killed, the government is not stopping at this, as just recently the government have asked all white-farmers to give up their farms to black farmers or risk going to prison. Having lived in this country Zimbabwe for more than 35 years, I have no other country to go to, nor can I trace any of my distant relatives. Therefore, I decided to contact you, for your assistance, so that I can establish a company in your country and relocate there. Also, I must re-iterate the importance of having a citizen of your country to front as the owner of the enterprise, due to the fact that I am a foreigner.
For this purpose, I have put in a security deposit all monies from the sale of my farm and farming equipments (including tractors etc) which amounted to US$6.5Million, I will upon receiving your consent prepare
every document to enable you receive this money on my behalf, pending my arrival to meet with you in your country so that we can both make further arrangements with regards to establishing the company.
As a partner you will be entitled to 20% stake in whichever company that we both decide to establish when I arrive your country.
I am waiting urgently for your response.
Cheers and God bless.
Best Regards

Dear Sir,


I have urgent and very confidential business
proposition for you. On June 6, 1999, an American oil consultant/contractor with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Mr. Barry Kelly made a numbered time (Fixed) deposited for twelve calendar months, valued at US$41,500,000.00 (Forty-one Million, five hundred Thousand Dollars) in my branch upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract
employers, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
that Mr. Barry Kelly died from an automobile accident
with his family along Benin/Shagamu Express Way. On
further investigation, I found out that he did not
leave a WILL and allattempts to trace his next of kin
were fruitless.

I therefore made further investigation and discovered
that Mr. Barry Kelly did not declare any next of kin in
all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork. This sum of US$41,500,000.00 is still sitting in the Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one will come forward to claim it.

According to the Nigerian Law, at the expiration of 5
(five) years, the money will revert to the ownership
of the Nigerian Government if nobody applies to claim
the funds.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to Mr. Barry Kelly so that the fruits of this old man's labor will not get into the hands of some corrupt officials.

This is simple, I will like you to provide me
immediately with your full names and address so that
the attorney will prepare the necessary documents
and affidavits, which will put you in place as the
next of kin.

We shall employ the services of two attorneys for
drafting and notarization of the WILL and obtain the
necessary documents and letter of probate/administration
in your favor the transfer. A bank account in any part
of the world, which you provide, will then facilitate
the transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary/next
of kin. The money will be paid into your account for us to
share in the ratio of 60% for me and 40% for you.

There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the attorney and my position as the Branch Manager guarantees the successful execution of this transaction.

If you are interested, please reply immediately via
email. Upon your response, I shall then provide you
with more details and relevant documents that will
help you Understand.

Please observe utmost confidentiality, and rest
assured that this transaction would be most profitable
for both of us because I shall require your assistance
to invest my share in your country.

Awaiting your urgent reply via

Thanks and regards


On behalf of my colleagues and I, I write this
letter with great pleasure. Your information were
given to me by a member of the South African Export
Promotion Council (SAEPC) who was with the Black
Economic Empowerment Commission (Government)
delegation on a trip to the European Union during a
bilateral conference talk to encourage foreign
investors. I have decided to seek a confidential
co-operation with you in execution of a business
transaction hereunder for the benefit of all
Within the Department of Mining Resources where I
work as the Director of Project Implementation, with co-operation of two other top officials, we have in our possession, an overdue payment in US funds. The said funds represent certain percentage of the contract value executed on behalf of my Ministry by a foreign contracting firm, which we the officials over-invoiced to the amount of US$14,300,000.00 (Fourteen Million, Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). Though the actual contract cost has been paid to the original contractor, leaving the excess balance unclaimed. The Government of the Republic of South Africa believe that private investment in general, and foreign direct investment in particular, are the real engines for sustainable economic development, for which reason it has continued to encourage investment in the key growth-oriented sector of Mining with sincere determination to pay foreign contractors all debts owed to them, so as to continue to enjoy close relationship, and a mutually beneficial co-operation with foreign governments and non-governmental financial agencies. As a result we included our bills for approvals with the co-operation of some officials at the Department of Finance and the Reserve Bank of South Africa (RBSA). We are seeking your assistance to be the beneficiary of the unclaimed funds, since we are not allowed to operate a foreign account. The changing of beneficiary's information/details and other forms of documentation upon application for claim to reflect the contract money and its approvals will be secured on behalf of your company or your good self. I have the authority of my colleagues involved to propose that, should you be willing to assist us in this transaction your share as compensation will be 20% while my colleagues and I shall receive 70%, and the balance of 10% shall be used to reimburse all expenditures, taxes and miscellaneous expenses so incurred. It does not matter whether or not your company does contract projects of the nature described here. The assumption is that your company won the major contract and subcontracted it to other companies. More often than not, big trading companies and firms of unrelated fields win major contracts, and subcontract to more specialized firms for execution. This business itself is 100% safe, provided you treat it with utmost confidentiality. Also your pecialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this mutual beneficiary transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint us. Kindly notify me by email for further details, upon your acceptance of this proposal. Best Regards, Engr. Reuben Kopano

Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ausser sie sind zu gravierend.

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Mitglied seit 30-Sep-02
1507 Beiträge
Private Nachricht senden an airtime Freundesliste
4. RE: Da isser wieder!
15-Dez-03, 05:48 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 3
Hi @ all,

>Ach die mail. Von sowas habe ich verschiedene!

Wahnsinn, da isser wieder! Und das trotz Winterpause!


FKF, ich mag dich!
ROT 2 brennt!

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