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Danish theme parks open new film theatres
17-Jul-06, 09:48 Uhr () berichtet am 13. Juni 2006:

Danish theme parks open new film theatres

New theatres showing 4D and 5D films have opened in two Danish theme parks – Bakken and Fårup Sommerland – to provide film attractions for visitors of all ages.

The 64-seat theatre at Bakken – converted from a former a dance hall – is currently showing three movie experiences called PandaVision, Haunted House and Haunted Mine, supplied by Brussels-based cinema producer nWave.

The park’s vice-president, Frank Andersen, said: “People in Denmark are really surprised at the new theatre as they haven’t seen anything like it here before. I think it will be a big success.”

The 96-seat Fårup Sommerland 4D theatre – housed in a purpose-built building – is also showing the PandaVision film by nWave.

The park’s president, Søren Kragelund, said: “Fifty per cent of the guests to the park this season have seen the film and it has been very popular. It has received a very enthusiastic response from the audiences. We certainly have more satisfied customers than I expected.” Details:



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Walt Disney Imagineering

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1. RE: Danish theme parks open new film theatres
17-Jul-06, 11:00 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
>The 64-seat theatre at Bakken – converted from a former a dance hall – is currently
>showing three movie experiences called PandaVision, Haunted House and Haunted Mine,
>supplied by Brussels-based cinema producer nWave.
>The 96-seat Fårup Sommerland 4D theatre – housed in a purpose-built building – is also
>showing the PandaVision film by nWave.

And herewith we declare "PandaVision" the most-showed 3D/4D-Film in Europe...

Keine Frage, der Film ist wirklich nicht schlecht, aber angesichts dessen, daß er ursprünglich mal für ein besonders thematisiertes Theater in de Efteling produziert wurde, finde ich ihn in den anderen Kinos eher unpassend. Natürlich, der Otto-Normal-Parkbesucher kennt den Film womöglich noch nicht, da er sicherlich nicht quer durch Europa reist und in jedem zweiten 4D-Kino den Film laufen sieht...
Aber mich persönlich stört es einfach, daß es mal nicht einen frischen Wind bei den 3D/4D-Filmen gibt. Es gibt sehr viele (auch etwas ältere) gute Filme, die man nicht so oft sieht und die sicher genau so zum Publikumsmagneten avancieren können wie PandaVision.

Tobi | | | | Neu:
Hastra merdem willowee, dragas tingo tjoeplaké.

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