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Dollys wilde Hügel
27-Jun-03, 15:59 Uhr ()
Letzte Bearbeitung am 27-Jun-03 um 16:05 Uhr ()
...fände ich einen viel besseren Namen für den neuen GCI Coaster, der nächstes Jahr in Dollywood aufmachen wird, hier die Meldung von Amusement Business:

Dollywood to Debut Thunderhead Coaster in 2004
Thunderhead is the name of the new wooden coaster set to debut in 2004 at Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, Tenn.

The Great Coasters International woodie reaches speeds of 55 mph and will have a maximum drop of 100 feet. Designed by Mike Boodley with the help of the GCI staff, the coaster is a twister with 3,230 feet of track. It's built on the sides of two mountains and makes use of the valley between them.

The coaster will feature what officials are calling the world's first "fly-through" station. About half way through the ride, the trains come back through the station on a track eight feet above the exit platform, but still under the station roof. It will be traveling at 40 mph at that point. The ride will be the centerpiece of a new themed area of the park called Thunderhead Gap.
Written by: Tim O'Brien

Ich kenn übrigens schon ne Fly-through Station, scheint sich allerdings nicht bis in die USA rumgesprochen zu haben...

Schon Cicero verlangte, dass öffentlich nur der sprechen dürfe, wer gebildet, charakterlich gefestigt, von tadellosem Verhalten und vertrauenswürdig, ein vir bonum, sei

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Dollys wilde Hügel, jwahl, 27-Jun-03, 15:59 Uhr, (0)
   Fly-through Station ????, Shiitake, 27-Jun-03, 16:07 Uhr, (1)
      RE: Fly-through Station ????, Tomsc, 27-Jun-03, 16:14 Uhr, (2)
          RE: Fly-through Station ????, Shiitake, 27-Jun-03, 16:20 Uhr, (3)
          RE: Fly-through Station ????, DragonKhan, 13-Okt-03, 18:07 Uhr, (5)
   RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, jwahl, 13-Okt-03, 14:32 Uhr, (4)
      RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, flightsurf, 14-Okt-03, 16:01 Uhr, (6)
   BILDER, jwahl, 13-Nov-03, 18:55 Uhr, (7)
   RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, DragonKhan, 22-Nov-03, 04:04 Uhr, (8)
   RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, jwahl, 08-Jan-04, 22:26 Uhr, (9)
      RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, tricktrack, 14-Jan-04, 13:30 Uhr, (10)
          RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, DragonKhan, 14-Jan-04, 19:04 Uhr, (11)
              RE:, tricktrack, 20-Jan-04, 07:51 Uhr, (12)
   MEHR!, DragonKhan, 05-Feb-04, 03:41 Uhr, (13)
   RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, sirrogate, 19-Mar-04, 17:17 Uhr, (14)
   RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, sirrogate, 12-Apr-04, 15:01 Uhr, (15)
      RE: Dollys wilde Hügel, Mat, 13-Apr-04, 17:34 Uhr, (16)
          RE: Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeeene!, tricktrack, 13-Apr-04, 18:15 Uhr, (17)
              RE: Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeeene!, Neptun, 27-Jun-04, 13:26 Uhr, (30)
   Noch mehr Bilder, DragonKhan, 14-Apr-04, 20:17 Uhr, (18)
   Und nochmal mehr, DragonKhan, 19-Apr-04, 17:29 Uhr, (19)
   POV Video, DragonKhan, 27-Apr-04, 02:42 Uhr, (20)
      RE: POV Video, tricktrack, 27-Apr-04, 05:46 Uhr, (21)
          RE: POV Video, DragonKhan, 27-Apr-04, 19:03 Uhr, (22)
              RE: POV Video, The Knowledgemoderator, 27-Apr-04, 20:54 Uhr, (23)
                  RE: POV Video, DragonKhan, 27-Apr-04, 22:34 Uhr, (24)
                      RE: POV Video, The Knowledgemoderator, 27-Apr-04, 22:53 Uhr, (25)
                          RE: POV Video, Blitz, 27-Apr-04, 22:56 Uhr, (26)
                              RE: POV Video, tricktrack, 28-Apr-04, 20:38 Uhr, (27)
                                  RE: POV Video, DragonKhan, 28-Apr-04, 21:27 Uhr, (28)
   Aus der Luft gesehen, jwahl, 27-Jun-04, 13:14 Uhr, (29)
      RE: Aus der Luft gesehen, tricktrack, 27-Jun-04, 13:50 Uhr, (31)
      RE: Aus der Luft gesehen, JPeschel, 28-Jun-04, 20:47 Uhr, (32)

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