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CoasterVideo Contest
02-Mar-04, 20:33 Uhr ()
Soeben per eMail-News von Robb Alvey gekommen:

Calling all amateur coaster video makers!!!

Wanna get your coaster/theme park video seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers?

Wanna show off your talent of videography and editing to the rest of the world?

Then submit your coaster video entry to Theme Park Review's first ever coaster video contest!

Grand Prize winners receive the full collection of all 8 Theme Park Review DVDs and your video published on Theme Park Review for at least six months.

4 runners up will receive 2 DVDs of your choice and your video published on Theme Park Review for at least six months.

For complete rules and information click below:

Videos may be emailed in mpeg or .avi format to, but in order to officially enter the contest, you must send in a high quality version of your entry on either DV Tape, DVD (compressed at 8kb/sec or better), or CD-ROM (compressed using Microsoft DV AVI or equivalent). Information on where to send the videos is located on the rules and information page. You can enter up to three videos per person. Videos should be between 2min and 4 min in length and must have been filmed or edited within the past two years. Your video can be about any coaster, theme park, or water park anywhere in the world! It doesn't even have to be in English, it just needs to be entertaining! =)

Keep in mind, this video contest is supposed to be for fun, and we came up with the idea after seeing lots of awesome videos out there and thought "More people should be seeing this stuff!" And we're happy to host the best ones that are submitted.
If you have any additional questions after reading the rules and information, please email me or you can post your questions to this thread on

Please feel free to post this information to any message board or email list you feel might be interested in knowing about this contest. It's hard to reach everyone out there, so please help spread the word! =)

--Robb "Good luck to everyone!" Alvey

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[Alle Beiträge zeigen]

CoasterVideo Contest, DrSnugglesmoderator, 02-Mar-04, 20:33 Uhr, (0)
   RE: CoasterVideo Contest, MIB, 02-Mar-04, 21:10 Uhr, (1)
      RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DragonKhan, 02-Mar-04, 21:34 Uhr, (2)
          RE: CoasterVideo Contest, The Knowledgemoderator, 02-Mar-04, 21:48 Uhr, (3)
              RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DragonKhan, 02-Mar-04, 22:00 Uhr, (5)
      RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DrSnugglesmoderator, 02-Mar-04, 21:49 Uhr, (4)
          RE: CoasterVideo Contest, MIB, 03-Mar-04, 17:04 Uhr, (6)
              RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DragonKhan, 03-Mar-04, 17:17 Uhr, (7)
                  RE: CoasterVideo Contest, MIB, 03-Mar-04, 17:20 Uhr, (8)
                  RE: CoasterVideo Contest, The Knowledgemoderator, 03-Mar-04, 19:51 Uhr, (9)
                      RE: CoasterVideo Contest, Tron, 03-Mar-04, 20:01 Uhr, (10)
                      RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DragonKhan, 03-Mar-04, 20:41 Uhr, (11)
                          RE: CoasterVideo Contest, The Knowledgemoderator, 03-Mar-04, 20:46 Uhr, (12)
                              RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DragonKhan, 03-Mar-04, 20:51 Uhr, (14)
                          RE: CoasterVideo Contest, tricktrack, 03-Mar-04, 20:49 Uhr, (13)
                              RE: CoasterVideo Contest, DragonKhan, 03-Mar-04, 20:54 Uhr, (15)

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