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WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios
08-Dez-06, 15:30 Uhr ()
Letzte Bearbeitung am 08-Dez-06 um 15:42 Uhr ()
Wie Peter Bell schonmal in seinem Artikel über die Zukunft der Walt Disney Studios angedeutete, soll auch der Production Countryard im Zuge der Arbeiten am Tower of Terror als zweites Placemaking-Projekts in die sogenannten "Hollywood Studios" transformiert werden. (Siehe dazu auch folgenden Artikel:

Nun gibt es zu dem Thema mal wieder neuen Gesprächsstoff:

Exclamation New Street Set Coming to WDS!
Good news ladies and gentlemen! It's just been confirmed that an additional placemaking project will soon get underway in the Walt Disney Studios Park.

This time, the Imagineers are going to focus on the area surrounding the Tower Of Terror, by installing a new Hollywood street set!

The new set will run the length of the miniature boulevard, from the entrance of the Art of Animation building and La Terrace food court, right the way to the Studio Tram Tour station. The station will be hidden behind a large false perspective screen, a little like the one found at the end of the Hollywood Pictures Backlot street in the California Adventure park.

The new street will also extend to cover the front of La Terrace, leading into the circular plaza of the Production Courtyard. If all goes well and extra funds are assigned, we might even see extra facades being erected opposite the Rendezvous Des Stars restaurant. (As detailed in one of Peter Bell's articles.)

The facades should be in place for the end of next year/early 2008, and look set to totally transform the aspect of the Studios park! I for one can't wait!


Every new project at Imagineering starts with the assumption that it will be fun and exciting. We never say we don't really want to do it this way - we do it the best way we know how. We are our end users because we like the product.
Walt Disney Imagineering

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WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Ronin, 08-Dez-06, 15:30 Uhr, (0)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Ronin, 09-Dez-06, 16:41 Uhr, (1)
      Production Courtyard Placemaking starting this week?, Ronin, 04-Jan-07, 20:44 Uhr, (2)
          RE: Production Courtyard Placemaking starting this week?, Kuggy, 05-Jan-07, 00:50 Uhr, (3)
              RE: Production Courtyard Placemaking starting this week?, Ronin, 05-Jan-07, 17:50 Uhr, (5)
          Digging for Hollywood, Ronin, 05-Jan-07, 17:42 Uhr, (4)
              A tunnel at the end of the Blvd?, Ronin, 11-Jan-07, 10:09 Uhr, (6)
                  Hollywood Boulevard details, Ronin, 11-Jan-07, 10:17 Uhr, (7)
   Die Bauarbeiten geginnen..., Ronin, 16-Jan-07, 19:25 Uhr, (8)
      RE: Die Bauarbeiten geginnen..., Gronau, 17-Jan-07, 01:31 Uhr, (9)
          RE: Die Bauarbeiten geginnen..., knopfy, 17-Jan-07, 16:11 Uhr, (10)
   Walt Bauzaun Studios, Ronin, 21-Jan-07, 23:46 Uhr, (11)
   WDS - Hollywood Studios: Erstes Artwork!, Ronin, 02-Apr-07, 17:48 Uhr, (12)
      RE: WDS - Hollywood Studios: Erstes Artwork!, Alex Korting, 02-Apr-07, 18:04 Uhr, (13)
          RE: WDS - Hollywood Studios: Erstes Artwork!, Ronin, 02-Apr-07, 18:05 Uhr, (14)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Ronin, 17-Mai-07, 19:27 Uhr, (15)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Ronin, 10-Jun-07, 14:33 Uhr, (16)
   Gerücht: Theatre District, Ronin, 21-Jun-07, 16:51 Uhr, (17)
      Theatre District - wäre logische Konsequenz, Gronau, 21-Jun-07, 18:34 Uhr, (18)
          Placemaking - die ersten Gebäudefassaden sind erkennbar, Gronau, 15-Jul-07, 02:14 Uhr, (19)
              RE: Placemaking - die ersten Gebäudefassaden sind erkennbar, disneyfan500, 15-Jul-07, 23:34 Uhr, (20)
                  RE: Placemaking - die ersten Gebäudefassaden sind erkennbar, Gronau, 27-Jul-07, 01:58 Uhr, (21)
                      Gebäudefassaden per Collage, Gronau, 27-Jul-07, 18:47 Uhr, (22)
                          RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, disneyfan500, 28-Jul-07, 17:21 Uhr, (23)
                              RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, coaster1977, 28-Jul-07, 21:58 Uhr, (24)
                                  RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, disneyfan500, 28-Jul-07, 22:44 Uhr, (25)
                                      RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, Gevo, 29-Jul-07, 02:40 Uhr, (26)
                                          RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, Gronau, 29-Jul-07, 22:04 Uhr, (27)
                                              RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, Glotzkowski, 03-Aug-07, 18:24 Uhr, (28)
                                          RE: Gebäudefassaden per Collage, SFCoasterboy, 24-Nov-07, 19:49 Uhr, (45)
   Modell der Hollywood-Studios, Ronin, 20-Aug-07, 08:21 Uhr, (29)
   Hollywood Studios - Neues Concept Art, Ronin, 29-Aug-07, 20:19 Uhr, (30)
      RE: Hollywood Studios - Neues Concept Art, Matiti, 29-Aug-07, 20:27 Uhr, (31)
   So langsam wirds ein Boulevard, Ronin, 21-Sep-07, 10:09 Uhr, (32)
      RE: So langsam wirds ein Boulevard, Gronau, 21-Sep-07, 12:13 Uhr, (33)
      RE: So langsam wirds ein Boulevard, Fraggle, 24-Sep-07, 16:28 Uhr, (34)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Frankyboy, 06-Okt-07, 16:19 Uhr, (35)
      RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Robert, 06-Okt-07, 17:48 Uhr, (36)
          RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Flounder, 08-Okt-07, 13:59 Uhr, (37)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Ronin, 19-Okt-07, 09:24 Uhr, (38)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Ronin, 12-Nov-07, 14:31 Uhr, (39)
      RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Robert, 13-Nov-07, 06:43 Uhr, (40)
          RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, coasterplanet, 20-Nov-07, 12:51 Uhr, (41)
              RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, TheOnlyOne, 21-Nov-07, 08:23 Uhr, (42)
                  RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, Flounder, 23-Nov-07, 11:01 Uhr, (43)
   RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, coasterplanet, 24-Nov-07, 19:42 Uhr, (44)
      RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, coasterplanet, 26-Nov-07, 14:59 Uhr, (46)
          RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, disneyfan500, 30-Nov-07, 11:09 Uhr, (47)
      RE: WDS Placemaking Part 2 - Hollywood Studios, coasterplanet, 04-Jan-08, 22:11 Uhr, (50)
   Walt Disney Studios - Hollywood Studios - Geöffnet, Ronin, 06-Dez-07, 18:18 Uhr, (48)
      RE: Walt Disney Studios - Hollywood Studios - Geöffnet, coasterplanet, 06-Dez-07, 19:30 Uhr, (49)

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