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WB Movie World Singapur?
29-Jun-04, 20:35 Uhr ()
Eine Australische Zeitung berichtet, dass die australische Village Gruppe über eine Beteiligung an einem neu zu bauenden Themenpark in Singapur nachdenkt, hier der komplette Artikel, der auch auf andere wirtschaftliche Punkte in dem Unternehmen eingeht:

Village in talks for Singapore theme park
By Wendy Frew
June 30, 2004

Film and entertainment group Village Roadshow is considering investing up to $40 million in a Singapore theme park in a joint venture with the Singapore Government.

The company said yesterday it had held only preliminary discussions with the Singapore Government but felt compelled to tell shareholders about the idea so that it would not be accused of withholding information from the market.

Earlier this month, Village was forced to suspend an ordinary share buyback following a complaint by tiny German shareholder Boswell Filmgesellschaft to the Takeovers Panel.

Boswell, which owns only 2000 shares in Village, complained to the panel about Village spending over $200 million buying back more than half of its preference shares and up to 10 per cent of its ordinary shares on the grounds that the buybacks could "materially prejudice the company's ability to pay its creditors".

That attack followed Boswell's court action last year derailing plans by Village to simplify its capital structure with a scheme of arrangement to buy back all its preference shares.

Village finance director Peter Foo said yesterday the company was careful to keep the market well informed of its intentions. "The point is, and I will make this point very carefully, this is something that we have had preliminary discussions about ... there is no MOU , there is nothing; the issue is we don't want to have any unknown, potential conversations that we don't tell the market about at this point in time," Mr Foo said.

"We don't want to give any further ammunition to Boswell ... they can make whatever they like of it," he said.

Village's interest in a new theme park comes at a time when it has angered investors by diverting dividend payments on ordinary and preference shares to fund the production of films such as The Matrix.

Mr Foo said any investment in Singapore would be small compared with its overall business interests and would be funded by an off-balance sheet theme-park facility.

"I can't speak on behalf of our partners but, if they did come in, which is a strong likelihood ... you are talking about our contribution to this over a three-year period being $25 million or $20 million and then you take out the fact we would probably earn $3 million or $4 million in fees during construction," Mr Foo said.

"The banks wouldn't lend us money to pay dividends. They would lend us money to invest in a new asset."

Village's potential participation would be in the design and management of construction of the theme park on Singapore's Sentosa Island as well as an equity interest of either 25 per cent or 50 per cent and management of the business.

Village is Australia's largest theme park operator, with three parks on the Gold Coast: Warner Bros Movie World, Sea World and Wet 'n Wild Water World. It is also a part owner of Sea World Nara Resort, a 405-room hotel.

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WB Movie World Singapur?, jwahl, 29-Jun-04, 20:35 Uhr, (0)
  RE: WB Movie World Singapur?, ProSixflags, 30-Jun-04, 17:08 Uhr, (1)
     RE: WB Movie World Singapur?, ALeXX, 30-Jun-04, 17:24 Uhr, (2)
         RE: WB Movie World Singapur?, ProSixflags, 30-Jun-04, 18:24 Uhr, (3)

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1. RE: WB Movie World Singapur?
30-Jun-04, 17:08 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Hat Time Warner also gar nichts mit der neuen Movieworld zu tun? Wäre schade.
Ist Warner eigentlich bei den Australischen Parks noch beteiligt?War doch mal so,
oder?Und wie sieht es eigentlich in San martin de la Vega aus. das gehört doch mittlerweile alles der Stadt Madrid.Oder täusch ich mich?

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2. RE: WB Movie World Singapur?
30-Jun-04, 17:24 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 1
Letzte Bearbeitung am 30-Jun-04 um 17:27 Uhr ()

Village Roadshow ist ein Unternehmen der Time Warner Gruppe. Das dürfte deine Frage beantworten. Warner Bros. Movie World Australia wird von der Village Roadshow geführt. In Madrid ist Village Roadshow so gut wie gar nicht, oder sogar überhaupt nicht, an dem Park beteiligt. Das Geld kommt dort überwiegend aus privaten Investoren und der Stadt Madrid. Six Flags führt in Madrid lediglich den Park, ist aber selbst nur zu 5% oder weniger beteiligt. Ich denke dies ist auch der Grund wieso Madrid als Einziger Europäischer Six Flags Park nun nicht zur Star Parks Division gehört.

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Mitglied seit 2-Dez-03
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3. RE: WB Movie World Singapur?
30-Jun-04, 18:24 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 2
>Village Roadshowist ein Unternehmen der Time Warner Gruppe.

Das wir auf der offiziellen Seite von Warner aber nicht so dargestellt.

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