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WBMW Australien: Wild Wild West in Flammen
08-Dez-03, 15:08 Uhr ()
Letzte Bearbeitung am 08-Dez-03 um 15:19 Uhr () durch Keng (admin)
Admin Edit: Topic unmißverständlich gemacht
Letzte Bearbeitung am 08-Dez-03 um 15:09 Uhr ()
Die WWW-Attraktion in der Movie World Australien stand heute Nacht in Flammen, die Wasserbahn wurde zu großen Teilen beschädigt.

Hier ein gerade gefundener Artikel von heute (08. Dezember)aus den QUEENSLAND NEWS:

LIKE an erupting volcano ... an electrical fault is suspected to have caused the fire on Movie World's Wild West Flume Ride.

Blazing Wild West ride strikes blow to peak season
Greg Stolz, Gold Coast bureau chief
THE Gold Coast Movie World theme park suffered a devastating pre-Christmas blow last night, when one of its rides was severely fire damaged.

The $14 million Wild West Flume Ride burst into flames about 6.15pm sending plumes of thick, black smoke into the sky.

Firefighters at the scene said the blaze resembled an erupting volcano as flames leapt from the top of the 40m-high simulated mountain. More than 20 firefighters battled the blaze taking about 35 minutes to bring it under control.

Queensland Fire & Rescue Service Gold Coast area director Peter Dawson said the fire was contained to the top of the ride but still caused major damage. "I would say there would be at least $200,000 to $300,000 worth of damage and the ride is most certainly inoperable," he said.

Mr Dawson said an electrical fault was suspected. He said it was lucky the fire happened after the park had closed for the day. "It could have been a much different outlook if people had been on the ride," he said. "There was a real danger of the fire spreading and engulfing the entire structure."

Last night a Movie World spokeswoman said the park would try to have the ride re-opened in time for Christmas.

The spokeswoman said no one was on or around the ride when the fire broke out and Movie World management was pleased with the swift response of the park's emergency response team.


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08-Dez-03, 15:15 Uhr ()
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