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Titel: "First signals of Toon Studio expansion?"     Vorheriger Beitrag | Nächster Beitrag
Foren-Gruppen Disney Beitrag Nr. 1034
Beitrag Nr. 1034
Mitglied seit 18-Aug-04
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First signals of Toon Studio expansion?
12-Jun-08, 12:47 Uhr ()
First signals of Toon Studio expansion?
Posted by raptor1982 on Wednesday, June 11 2008

Grandmath, administrator on Disney Central Plaza forum, witnessed today height tests with coloured balloons on the grass field behind the Art of Disney Animation. This area has been long time rumoured as expansion area for Toon Studio.

Every new project at Imagineering starts with the assumption that it will be fun and exciting. We never say we don't really want to do it this way - we do it the best way we know how. We are our end users because we like the product.
Walt Disney Imagineering

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First signals of Toon Studio expansion?, Ronin, 12-Jun-08, 12:47 Uhr, (0)
  Toon Studio expansion: more information, Ronin, 13-Jun-08, 01:37 Uhr, (1)
  RE: First signals of Toon Studio expansion?, Ronin, 16-Jun-08, 16:21 Uhr, (2)

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Mitglied seit 18-Aug-04
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1. Toon Studio expansion: more information
13-Jun-08, 01:37 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Toon Studio expansion: more information

More information has surfaced about the possible expansion of Toon Studio.

According to Grandmath on Disney Central Plaza, a plan exists backstage showing a large building over the grass area and the Studio Tram Tour route, what would mean that a re-route of the tour (and a relocation of its station) would be necessary and allow expansion of the current Hollywood Blvd.

Every new project at Imagineering starts with the assumption that it will be fun and exciting. We never say we don't really want to do it this way - we do it the best way we know how. We are our end users because we like the product.
Walt Disney Imagineering

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Mitglied seit 18-Aug-04
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eMail senden Ronin Private Nachricht senden an Ronin Freundesliste ICQ
2. RE: First signals of Toon Studio expansion?
16-Jun-08, 16:21 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Interessanter Artikel zum Thema "Expansion":

Every new project at Imagineering starts with the assumption that it will be fun and exciting. We never say we don't really want to do it this way - we do it the best way we know how. We are our end users because we like the product.
Walt Disney Imagineering

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