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Titel: "Rumor: Priority FastPass im WDW"     Vorheriger Beitrag | Nächster Beitrag
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Beitrag Nr. 969
marc ep
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Rumor: Priority FastPass im WDW
22-Sep-07, 15:45 Uhr ()

auf screamscape habe ich Folgendes gelesen:
I’ve never been a fan of Disney’s FastPass system and I’ve always said that as time moves on Disney will get greedy and try to cash in on it with some kind of extra cost premium version. According to the latest write up at Jim Hill Media, a new patent application from Disney last month reveals plans to implement such a system for guests staying at Disney Resort hotels. Don’t think you can just plus your experience by staying at the All Stars or Pop Century however as the patent is designed so that “the more that is spent by a patron, the higher the priority (they will receive) for Fastpass.” This means guest staying at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge or Grand Californian will receive a must higher priority (ie: shorter wait time) in the virtual queue system than guest staying at the lower tier resorts.
There are also ideas for a paper free wireless set of FastPass tickets you can book the night before from your hotel room. As your Wireless FastPass tickets come up, they will be sent to your cell phone which can be shown as proof. Using the Wireless system Disney will also be able to track your basic location throughout the park over the day, offering you tips and alternative attractions if one were to break down.
While this all sounds nifty and geek-ishly cool at first, the downside will be less available FastPasses to the majority of Diseny’s park guests who do not staying in Disney resorts, longer wait times and an even bigger sense of segregation as Disney creates a virtual tower of caste levels to identify their guests by. This also opens up a Pandora’s Box of other premium opportunities for Disney based on such a system. For example: what if guests staying at the top tiers hotels were always allowed first choice of seating on any given ride or show? The same cut to the front of the line access could easily be added to the various restaurants as well. This would essentially create a “First Class Passenger” level of theme park guests akin to the First Class status on airlines, possibly even with an added perk of complimentary beverages at select locations. Nice for them... but who doesn’t sneer at the airport when they call for advanced pre-boarding for First Class passengers? Who doesn’t feel like rolling their eyes went the flight attendants pull that privacy curtain across the aisle so you can’t see what’s happening up there from the rest of the cabin? Or is it all just the voices in my own head?

Das wäre schon ein starkes Stück, wenn Disney das einführen würde. Aber da gestern ein neuer Besucherrekord für das WDW angekündigt wurde, scheinen sich die Florida-Mäuse das erlauben zu dürfen.

Sonst FastPass gut findende Grüße

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  RE: Rumor: Priority FastPass im WDW, Gronau, 22-Sep-07, 17:44 Uhr, (1)
  RE: Rumor: Priority FastPass im WDW, Wuzefelix, 25-Sep-07, 11:35 Uhr, (2)

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1. RE: Rumor: Priority FastPass im WDW
22-Sep-07, 17:44 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Naja, ehrlich gesagt gehe ich ziemlich davon aus dass das so kommen wird. Ob offiziell oder inoffiziell. EIN Grund für Fastpass ist auch, dass man Vips mit Tickets versorgen kann statt sie unter erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses durch den Ausgang zu lassen. Ist also nicht immer alles Gold was glänzt - auch heutzutage schon nicht. Und um ihre hauseigenen Hotels zu füllen ist es ja fast legitim auch "andere Seiten aufzuziehen". Es bleibt spannend was der Erfinder aller Express-Systeme da noch hervorzaubert.

Zum selbst Ausdrucken:

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Mitglied seit 27-Mar-02
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2. RE: Rumor: Priority FastPass im WDW
25-Sep-07, 11:35 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Letzte Bearbeitung am 25-Sep-07 um 11:36 Uhr ()

Die Infos von Screamscape stammen aus diesem Artikel, der vor 3 Wochen bei Jim Hill erschienen ist.

MfG, Wuzefelix


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