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MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
29-Jun-06, 20:53 Uhr ()
Letzte Bearbeitung am 29-Jun-06 um 21:33 Uhr ()

gerade läuft live auf CNN, dass in Orlando ein Todesfall im Rock'n'Roller Coaster gab, ein 12-jähriger ist gestorben...

"12-year-old boy dies on Disney's Rock'n'Roller coaster at Disney-MGM studios in Orlando, Florida, officials tell CNN."


MIAMI, Florida (CNN -- A 12-year-old boy was pronounced dead after he rode a roller coaster at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

The boy was unresponsive when he was found in his seat at the end of the Rock 'N' Roller Coaster ride, said Terry McElroy of the Florida Department of Agriculture, which regulates the industry.

The boy, who was riding the coaster with his father, was given CPR and taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

A Disney representative was with the family Thursday afternoon and Disney officials were offering the boy's family "deepest sympathies."

The incident happened at 11:30 a.m.

Disney shut down the ride and a state inspector arrived to observe the Disney investigation. The Orange County Sheriff's Office is conducting an investigation as well.

Disney boasts of the ride on its Web site, "Zoom from 0 to 60 mph with the force of a supersonic F-14, take in high-speed loops and turns synchronized to a specially recorded Aerosmith soundtrack and zip through Tinseltown in the biggest, loudest limo you've ever seen."

It adds: "The 3,400-foot-long track is more than a half mile of sudden accelerations, dips, loops and twists and turns."

Children shorter than 4 feet are not permitted on the ride, according to the Web site.

One month ago, another child died on the Disney ride "Mission Space" at the Epcot Center.

(c) CNN


Letzteres stimmt allerdings nicht. Die 49-jährige Deutsche starb am 13. April 2006 und der 4-jährige Junge im Juni 2005, also vor einem Jahr.

Now I will raise the safety bar and a ghost will follow you home

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  RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, Garg, 29-Jun-06, 22:29 Uhr, (1)
  RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, Metaltubbie, 30-Jun-06, 12:18 Uhr, (2)
  RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, MichaelM1979, 30-Jun-06, 17:05 Uhr, (3)
     RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, Rufus, 30-Jun-06, 17:42 Uhr, (4)
     RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, WP, 30-Jun-06, 18:28 Uhr, (5)
         RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, MichaelM1979, 30-Jun-06, 19:47 Uhr, (6)
  RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, ciacomix, 30-Jun-06, 23:46 Uhr, (7)
  RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster, Garg, 01-Jul-06, 00:51 Uhr, (8)
     RE: Auch SPIEGEL-Online berichtet WAS: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roll, DB Der Birki, 04-Jul-06, 00:58 Uhr, (9)

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eMail senden Garg Private Nachricht senden an Garg Freundesliste ICQ
1. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
29-Jun-06, 22:29 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Boy dies after roller coaster ride
Death reportedly occurred after ride at Disney MGM theme park in Florida

ORLANDO, Fla. - A boy died after riding a roller coaster Thursday at the Disney MGM theme park, the Orange County sheriff’s office said.

The Orange County sheriff’s office said the boy was 7, but Disney said he was 12. The discrepancy couldn’t immediately be explained. He died after he was brought by ambulance to a hospital at about 11:30 a.m., a Disney statement said.

Sheriff’s spokesman Jim Solomons said the cause of death was not immediately known.

Park officials closed the ride and said a preliminary investigation showed the ride was operating normally.

A Disney Web site description of the ride says: “Zoom from 0-60 mph with the force of a supersonic F-14, take in high-speed loops and turns synchronized to a specially recorded Aerosmith soundtrack.”

Two other people have died after going on another Disney ride: Epcot’s “Mission: Space.” The space simulator spins riders in a centrifuge that subjects them to twice the normal force of gravity.

Daudi Bamuwamye, 4, of Sellersville, Pa., died June 13, 2005. An autopsy determined he died of an irregular heartbeat linked to an abnormal thickening of the heart muscle that can cause sudden death.

In February, a 77-year-old woman with diabetes and other ailments died at Disney World after riding the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.

And in April, a 49-year-old woman from Germany became ill and died after the ride. A medical examiner’s report said she died from bleeding of the brain and had severe high blood pressure.

The ride has signs warning people with heart, back and neck problems not to ride. Epcot now offers a tamer version of the ride that does not include centrifugal force.

Disney MGM is among the Walt Disney Co.’s four parks in Florida.

(c) MSNBC, 29. Juni 2006

Now I will raise the safety bar and a ghost will follow you home

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Mitglied seit 18-Feb-05
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2. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
30-Jun-06, 12:18 Uhr ()
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Zwölfjähriger stirbt nach Achterbahnfahrt in Disney-Park
Ein zwölfjähriger Junge ist nach einer Achterbahnfahrt in einem Vergnügungspark des Disney-Konzerns in Florida ums Leben gekommen. Der Junge sei nach der dreiminütigen Achterbahnfahrt mit dem Rettungswagen ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden und wenig später gestorben, erklärten die Verantwortlichen des Themenparks Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando. Woran er genau starb, war anfangs nicht bekannt. Die Achterbahn namens "Rock'n' Roller Coaster" wurde vorübergehend geschlossen.
Eine erste Begutachtung habe gezeigt, dass die Achterbahn normal funktioniert habe, hieß es. (Rest)

Hmm, ich kenn in Florida kein Disneyland...

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Mitglied seit 7-Nov-05
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3. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
30-Jun-06, 17:05 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Ist der Coaster 100% baugleich mit der Version in Paris bzw. Xpress in Walibi World? Laut RCDB lassen sich praktisch keine Unterschiede erkennen.

Ich meine, generell ist es ja so: Es sterben auch ne Menge Leute beim Sex, beim Radfahren oder Fußball spielen und da wird nicht so'n Wirbel drum gemacht.

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4. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
30-Jun-06, 17:42 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 3
>Ist der Coaster 100% baugleich mit der Version in Paris bzw. Xpress in Walibi World?
>Laut RCDB lassen sich praktisch keine Unterschiede erkennen.

Baugleich schon nur halt mit anderer Thematisierung und anderer Musik von Aerosmith.

Dive once you're crazy. Dive twice you're an animal!

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Mitglied seit 21-Feb-02
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5. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
30-Jun-06, 18:28 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 3
>Es sterben auch ne Menge Leute beim Sex, beim Radfahren oder Fußball spielen und da wird nicht so'n Wirbel drum gemacht.<

Und beim Internetsurfen?


Payerfotografie is also on
facebook and Instagram

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Mitglied seit 7-Nov-05
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6. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
30-Jun-06, 19:47 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 5
Na das wollen wir ja mal nicht hoffen

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7. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
30-Jun-06, 23:46 Uhr ()
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Hier ein CNN Video Bericht zu dem Vorfall:

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101 Beiträge
eMail senden Garg Private Nachricht senden an Garg Freundesliste ICQ
8. RE: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
01-Jul-06, 00:51 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Der Junge hatte einen Herzfehler - der Ride war mal wieder 'nur' Auslöser, aber net Ursache für den Tod, das hatten wir bei Mission:Space leider auch schon...


Autopsy: Boy who died on Disney coaster had heart defect
LAKE BUENA VISTA -- The 12-year-old boy who died after riding a Walt Disney World roller coaster had a congenital heart defect and there was nothing mechanically wrong with the attraction, it was determined today.

The autopsy of Michael Russell, the son of an Iraq war veteran, was done one day after he stopped breathing while riding Disney-MGM's Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. The cause of death was left pending until additional test are conducted, ruled Dr. Sara H. Irrgang, an Orange County associate medical examiner.

"No evidence of injury was found, but congenital heart abnormalities were detected, which will be further evaluated," the office said in a statement.

A study released last year gave support to the notion that heart problems can be triggered or aggravated by roller coasters.

Researchers at the University Hospital of Mannheim in Germany put 55 healthy people on roller coasters and monitored their heart rates during the two-minute experience. Average heart rates rose from 89 beats per minute before the ride to 155 just afterward.

These rates are high enough to trigger rhythm problems, and two participants experienced different types of them. The study's authors recommended that people with heart disease not ride coasters.

Disney World reopened the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Friday after theme park inspectors found no mechanical problems. A state inspector monitored the examination.

"Walt Disney World engineers and ride system experts completed a thorough inspection of the attraction overnight and found it to be operating properly," the company said in a statement.

The boy was limp when the ride ended. The boy's father, Byron Russell, immediately attempted CPR after the minute-long ride but the boy later died at nearby Celebration Hospital.

Russell had told authorities his son had no previous health problems, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Byron Russell is a part of the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) based at Fort Campbell, Ky., and served in Iraq, said special forces Command spokesman Maj. Jim Gregory.

"You can't even put words to how devastating this would be," Gregory said.

Disney and other large amusement parks are exempt from state and federal oversight, but Disney has allowed government inspectors to observe inspections after fatalities.

"Our deepest concerns are with the family," said Disney spokesman Jacob DiPietre.

The nation's theme and amusement parks are regulated by a patchwork system of state and private inspectors. Twenty-two states don't regulate rides at all, according to Saferparks, a California-based group that advocates for ride safety.

In Florida, inspectors with the Bureau of Fair Ride Inspection can at any time enter smaller amusement parks and carnivals, inspect a ride and conduct tests. They can't do the same at large parks that have more than 1,000 employees and their own ride inspectors, such as Disney, Universal Orlando, Sea World and Busch Gardens Tampa.

However, those parks agreed in 2001 to provide the bureau with quarterly accident reports and notify the agency of "any serious incidents," spokesman Terence McElroy said. The parks also allow state inspectors to join in a yearly consultations.

Disney has reported nine deaths to the state since 2001. No previous fatalities have occurred on the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ride since it's debut in 1999. Some 36.6 million people have been on the ride, according to Disney.

Universal has reported two deaths since 2001. Sea World and Busch Gardens reported none.

On the federal level, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is responsible for oversight of mobile amusement park rides such as those at fairs, but has no jurisdiction to regulate stationary rides, agency spokeswoman Julie Vallese said Friday.

Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., has been lobbying for years to have "fixed-site" amusement park rides fall under federal regulations. Markey introduced the National Amusement Park Ride Safety Act to close the loophole in 1999, 2003 and 2005. It has yet to pass.

"Most people don't realize that the number of fatalities per passenger mile on roller coasters is higher than on passenger trains, passenger buses, and passenger planes," Markey said.

The CPSC had oversight of fixed-site rides until 1981, when Congress rewrote the statute that says which products the agency could regulate.

Markey's bill would restore that oversight and provide $500,000 annually to the CPSC, far short of what would be needed to do the job, according to the agency.

"If we were to have that kind of oversight, it would probably mean at least doubling the size of our agency and doubling our budget. It would be an extremely big undertaking," Vallese said.

The CPSC has a staff of about 450 and operates with an annual budget of nearly $68 million, she said.

The agency estimates there were at least 46 fatalities associated with fixed-site rides between 1987 and 2004, the latest numbers available. From 1997 to 2004, the agency estimates there were about 32,600 injuries associated with the rides.

The figures are "based on medical examiner and coroner reports to us of deaths, and our extrapolation of injuries nationwide based on 100 hospitals that report to us," said agency spokesman Scott Wolfson. "It's out best national estimate."

(c) Orlando Sentinel / AP, 30. Juni 2006

Now I will raise the safety bar and a ghost will follow you home

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DB Der Birki
Christian Birkmann
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9. RE: Auch SPIEGEL-Online berichtet WAS: MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roll
04-Jul-06, 00:58 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 8,1518,424787,00.html

DB - Der Birki
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Kirsten zu Bone:"Ja klar! - Und, ist das gut?"

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