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"Fahrgeschäfts-Postkarte(n) / postcards"
Geschrieben von Sam am 16-Mai-09 um 19:32 Uhr
Hi Sarion

My german is too bad now so i gotta write it in english....sorry for.
I am right now near the Schwarzwald, Breisgau by a friend of mine.

A very special thanks for your pic from the Alpina Bahn Stefan Sarion!

This pic is in any case the classic perspective i love so much!
Well for me too, it's the best ever shot from this look. Fantastic! And especialy this perspecitve i know from the former years postcards, from the Color Foto King in Erding.

Keep your great shots on! Wow you got it man!

Regards and special regards goes to user Tim The Knowledge as well who was helping me for a couple of month here in this discussion forum with his tip coz of the postcards from the showmen!!

My pleasure

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