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Titel: "Das dritte Gate in Paris"     Vorheriger Beitrag | Nächster Beitrag
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Beitrag Nr. 1159
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Das dritte Gate in Paris
24-Aug-09, 10:28 Uhr ()
Wiedermal ein interessanter Artikel im Disneyandmore-Blog. Im Prinzip werden diverse Neuheiten aller Disney Parks besprochen. Am Ende des Artikels gehts dann um das ominöse dritte Gate für Paris:

And when i've read that, i thought "that's interesting...". Why? Well, simply because my good sources confirmed me recently that another "third" Disney theme park should rise at the horizon 2020. But this one will be on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

That's right, Disneyland Paris executives are seriously planning to open a third theme park at DLP "at the horizon 2017-20". And please, don't ask me what will be its theme as not only i don't know it, but probably DLP executives don't know it either. There is plenty of land available to build a third theme park and in the next 8-10 years WDI Imagineers will obviously propose different themes to DLP management. But don't expect any official announcement before at least eight years, if not ten.

As for an opening date, i will bet more on 2020 or 2022 - the 30th anniversary - than 2017. Why? Simply because they need to expand the Walt Disney Studios and transform DLP's second gate in a real full day park before opening a third theme park. Considering all what remains to be done to achieve this goal, i think it will take them at least 8 years, if not ten. As generally a new theme park opening matches with a big anniversary date, 2017 - DLP 25th anniversary date - looks too close to me for the opening of a third park. But 2022 - DLP 30th anniversary - for all the reasons explained above looks a more reasonable date...although they could also decide to don't wait for a "special anniversary" date and that "2020" is a good date in itself. Let's also hope that they will have learn from the WDS mistakes and that this third park will be from day one a real full day park...

But yes, Disneyland Paris executives are definitely planning a third theme park for the resort, and that's a great news for all DLP fans.

Every new project at Imagineering starts with the assumption that it will be fun and exciting. We never say we don't really want to do it this way - we do it the best way we know how. We are our end users because we like the product.
Walt Disney Imagineering

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  RE: Das dritte Gate in Paris, vestermike, 24-Aug-09, 11:23 Uhr, (1)
     RE: Das dritte Gate in Paris, Flounder, 26-Aug-09, 18:20 Uhr, (2)

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1. RE: Das dritte Gate in Paris
24-Aug-09, 11:23 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 0
Man kann natürlich viel spekulieren. Ich persönlich tippe eher auf einen Indoor-Wasserpark zum 25jährigen Jubiläum.

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Mitglied seit 5-Dez-06
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2. RE: Das dritte Gate in Paris
26-Aug-09, 18:20 Uhr ()
Als Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 1
>Man kann natürlich viel spekulieren. Ich persönlich tippe eher auf einen
>Indoor-Wasserpark zum 25jährigen Jubiläum.

Geht mir ähnlich - und die Informationen von Alain ob der Planungen unterstützen diesen Tip doch sehr.



Main Street Emporium

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