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Foren-Name: Plauderecke
Beitrag Nr.: 8277
#0, Busch Gardens: Bügel klemmt - Saisonpass weg!
Geschrieben von VT 340 am 25-Jan-08 um 23:28 Uhr
Gefunden bei Youtube:

So I rode the Griffon, and when I returned to the station, my safety harness would not come up. Employees were doing a "push down/pull up" on the restraint which only made it tighter.

I was stuck in the seat for about 20 minutes. These video are from the first 3 minutes before Clayton was asked to stop recording and forced to exit the platform. It was fun and games at first, but as time ticked away and when first aid and park mgmt arrived, it got serious.

Maintenance had to come and take apart the seat and back panel. I overheard a worker say that "the bolt broke" under the metal panel.

My legs started turning purple and I had trouble breathing because the restraint was so tight. First aid was called, so when I was finally released, I was whisked off in a wheel chair and spent the last 2 hours in the park in a first aid bed.

Some managers came to talk to me and apologized about what happened, and they didn't have an explanation since it was fairly a new ride.

Apparently, the harnesses sticking is fairly common. It happened to me a few weeks prior, but they were able to get me out in a matter of seconds with a manual release key. Park employees stated that it happens often enough that they keep a manual release key in the ride control area for all coasters!! Other guest have said they had the restraints stick on them not only at Griffon, but other coasters too.

I took the videos and posted them on here. A week later I return to BG with my girl, and ride the Griffon without a problem. I get off the ride and park security hands me a no trespass notice and revokes my seasons pass due to the incident a week earlier with me being stuck!! (Clayton got the same treatment via mail.) They called it "Disorderly Conduct", but I call it RETALIATION because I posted the videos of my experience on You Tube.

A local news station caught wind of how unfairly BGE handled the situation and wanted to do a story.

Now BGE is claiming that I (or Clayton) took a screwdriver or some other sharp metal object and stabbed and tampered with the ride!! HAHAHA I don't even know how to use a screwdriver! And why would I want to jeopardize my safety!!??
And what kind of MYSTERY SCREWDRIVER can break a heavy duty bolt????? Under a metal panel?? And how in the WORLD can that be done with hundreds of on-lookers? I mean, c'mon, it took maintenance 15 minutes to get to the problem.

BGE is blaming me for tampering with the ride so they don't look bad and since they don't have a valid explanation as to what made it break...and ESPECIALLY because it is now on TV and all over the internet...

Kulanz auf Moivie Park niveau!
Die Videos dazu: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=2l5-xneea2Q



#1, RE: Busch Gardens: Bügel klemmt - Saisonpass weg!
Geschrieben von Alex am 26-Jan-08 um 00:37 Uhr


Der Text ist subjektiv, sachlich und erkennt Ursache und Wirkung völlig korrekt. Im völligen Gegensatz zur Überschrift und der Bemerkung drunter.


#2, Karrieretipp
Geschrieben von The Knowledge am 26-Jan-08 um 00:38 Uhr

VT könnte sofort bei der BILD anfangen ...

#3, OT: Karrieretipp
Geschrieben von Bends am 26-Jan-08 um 01:24 Uhr

Letzte Bearbeitung am 26-Jan-08 um 01:25 Uhr ()
Nicht ganz.Aber fast.
Deshalb ein Tipp von Kai Dieckmann himself:

SKANDAL! Bügel klemmt-Saisonpass weg.
Den ganzen, schockierenden Bericht lesen sie auf Seite 3.

Lesen sie morgen: Roland Koch für eine Verschärfung des Achterbahneinwanderungsgesetzes. "Es kann nicht sein, das kriminelle und unzuverlässige Schweizer Achterbahnen unbescholtene Bürger festhalten. Eine Abschiebung ins -55° Celsius kalte Sibieren muss eine Möglichkeit sein, wenn Kuschelpädagogik nicht gewirkt hat."

Vielleicht merkt auch Koch noch, das Hessen kein direkter Bundesstaat der United States ist. Auch wenn dort viele Soldaten stationiert sind.

Turbo B. for President!

#4, RE: Busch Gardens: Bügel klemmt - Saisonpass weg!
Geschrieben von ALeXX am 26-Jan-08 um 10:07 Uhr

Mit VT muss irgendwas grausames passiert sein in den letzten Jahren.

#5, RE: Busch Gardens: Bügel klemmt - Saisonpass weg!
Geschrieben von tricktrack am 26-Jan-08 um 10:28 Uhr

Die Story ist doch schon alt. Bushido Gardens hat sich wohl etwas gewundert, dass dieser Typ bei zwei besuchen ZWEIMAL im SELBEN Sitz eingeklemmt war, der Bügel aber nur bei ihm Probleme verursacht hat.
Ich muss mal sehen, ob ich noch irgendwo einen Link finde...
