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#0, Ein Videospiel Freizeitpark?
Geschrieben von MarcelR am 28-Mai-10 um 22:46 Uhr

Gruß Marcel
Radio: tba | Aktuelle Fotos: 4 Jahre Black Mamba

#1, Game Nation plans real-life MMORPG
Geschrieben von Keng am 29-Mai-10 um 07:06 Uhr

Letzte Bearbeitung am 29-Mai-10 um 07:11 Uhr ()
Verdammt, Du bist mir zuvor gekommen Kellerthemen sind MEIN Ding

HeroCon did it with Live Missions, the season finale of the TV show Castle introduced us to fictional company Spy Ventures, and now Game Nation is exploring the concept of bringing our adventure fantasies into the real world.

So what is Game Nation? Well, today's press release says that it's "the world's first Experiential Video Game Theme Park and Resort. Visitors will become players as they step into a realistic re-creation of a world filled with myths, legends and arenas all crying out for their champion."

It all sounds exciting, but don't book your plane tickets just yet. Game Nation only exists online right now. The creators have announced the project at its very first stage, and say they'll spend the next 12 months deciding on the ideal location for this theme park and resort. For the time being, you can follow their progress on both Twitter and their official site.

Quelle: Massively

Game Nation: A Massively Multiplayer Offline Role-Playing Game

Game Nation is gearing up to make your live-action role-playing dreams come true, now scouting locations for the world's first "Experiential Video Game Theme Park and Resort." Sounds like some expensive LARPing to me!

In 1981, Larry Niven and Steven Barnes produced Dream Park, a novel about an interactive role-playing game resort, where players participate in live-action role-playing games with the aid of holographic technology. Like any pen-and-paper or video game RPG, players accrued experience points and power, gaining the respect of their peers and striking fear in the hearts of their enemies.

That's what Game Nation sounds like, sans the holographic technology. It's a massive role-playing game set in its own resort, complete with weapons, classes, and experience points. "Your dreams and fantasies will come to life," claims the official press release. My fantasies? Isn't that illegal?

The release doesn't deliver much in the way of specifics, instead talking big about the grand adventures you will have, with a special message from Game Nation's creator, Ruke.

"I remember when I younger and I played video games, when I finished the game I wished that world was real and I could be part of it." said Ruke, Creator of Game Nation. "It's fantastic that people will get to actually realize everything they've seen in a video game come to life".

Ruke, ladies and gentlemen.

This wouldn't be the first time someone attempted to create an amusement park centered around live-action role-playing. In the 90's a company took on the name Dream Park, planning to come as close as possible to Niven and Barnes' vision with current technology. Dream Park Corporation went bankrupt in 1997, and the park never surfaced.

With several locations across the U.S. and Japan, MagiQuest is probably the closest anyone has come to commercializing LARPing, giving players special wands they can use outside of official locations to duel other players. There's even an online MagiQuest game created by Myst developer Cyan Worlds.

Game Nation sounds a bit more ambitious, but it's hard to tell. The creators are currently looking for the ideal location for the theme park / resort, and should have that wrapped up within the next year. Perhaps then we'll get more information on what exactly it entails, and whether or not Ruke can pull it off.

Visit the Game Nation website to sign up for upcoming news.

Quelle: Kotaku

Wolfgang, vielleicht ist es doch nicht so ein ganz abwegig ungewöhnliches Hobby, wie Du angenommen hast

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GAM!NG IS NOT A CRIME - http://kengslair.de

#2, RE: Game Nation plans real-life MMORPG
Geschrieben von thomas0190 am 30-Mai-10 um 15:59 Uhr

Ja schade, es ist noch nicht draußen.