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#0, Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von Maaahzel am 04-Dez-07 um 10:27 Uhr
New thrill ride
Indiana Beach introducing ‘Steel Hawg’ roller coaster for 2008

By Melissa Soria

With a height of 96 feet, a top speed of 41 miles per hour and a plunging first drop at 120 degrees, roller coaster enthusiasts will have much to look forward to next summer.

The Steel Hawg’s manufacturer, S&S Worldwide, Inc., calls the style of the coaster “El Loco,” which means “crazy” in Spanish.

Indiana Beach recently announced its sixth and newest roller coaster, Steel Hawg. It is the first major steel coaster to be constructed in the state and the first to take riders upside-down at the amusement park.

The coaster track is 1,200 feet long, allowing individuals a 75-second ride. It features four cars with four seats per car.

“We were looking for a new thrill element, and this is definitely going to be it,” said Tom Spackman, Jr., Indiana Beach executive vice president. “The coaster will be a very distinctive ride with tight turns, 90-degree banks, inversions and one-of-a-kind elements. It rolls upside down and around like a fighter plane would.”

Steel Hawg will be located near the main park entrance at the northwest end of park next to the Hoosier Hurricane and Rocky’s Rapids Log Flume rides.

It is expected to be fully operational by May 17, 2008, two weeks after the park opens.

Ginny Davis, resort operations specialist at Indiana Beach, assisted in selecting the coaster.

“This is something completely new for Indiana,” she said. “It has some different, innovative designs in it.”

Davis said there were a number of different factors they looked into when selecting the coaster, including the thrill factor, design and ride-ability.

“We asked ourselves, ‘Is this something you’d want to ride over and over again?’” she said. “One of the biggest things we look for is its safety, for adults and children.”

Davis toured multiple facilities, including one in Italy, but in the end, a custom-design roller coaster made by S&S Worldwide, Inc., located out of Logan, Utah, was chosen.

S&S Worldwide, Inc. came up with a design and presented it to representatives from Indiana Beach last summer. The coaster is the first of this design. The company calls the style of Steel Hawg, “El Loco,” which means “crazy” in Spanish.

Davis and several others were able to help with the look and feel of the coaster by choosing features such as colors and location.

Spackman said Steel Hawg is different from everything that’s currently in the park.

“It fit the profile we were looking for,” he said.

Steel Hawg will feature loops, rolls and plunging drops. Its top speed is 41 miles an hour, and it includes a 120 degree drop.

According to Davis, it will be a fun, family ride.

Spackman said parts will start coming in February, and construction will begin in March.

Davis said it can take a minimum of a year for an amusement park to implement a new roller coaster, depending on how detailed the design is.

Roller coasters can run anywhere from $3 to $15 million, she said.

According to Spackman, the amusement park tries to add something new every year, as well as a major piece every 3-4 years. The Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain was added to the park in 2002.

Spackman said he’s looking forward to the arrival of Steel Hawg.

“It’s going to be an exciting addition,” he added.

Quelle: The Moultrie Observer

#1, RE: Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von jwahl am 13-Jan-08 um 15:21 Uhr

via tpr

#2, RE: Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von Tyker am 23-Mai-08 um 05:47 Uhr

Hier ein paar Baustellenbilder von heute. Kaum zu glauben das die eine Achterbahn bauen, sieht für mich eher wie abstrakte Kunst aus. Die Schienenteile sind wirklich sehr... ich nenn es mal speziell.

#3, RE: Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von stilbruch am 23-Mai-08 um 12:26 Uhr

Die werden doch wohl bis zum 10. Juni fertig, oder?

Gruß Dirk

5 Jahre www.onride.de

#4, Das kanndonni wahsein!
Geschrieben von tricktrack am 14-Jun-08 um 01:08 Uhr

Seit Arrow von S&S gekauft wurde wurde das Budget für Kleiderbügel als Designgrundlage gestrichen. Dafür wurde ein gebrauchtes RCT3 angeschafft.

Frage: Was mach mehr Spass? An einen Rollstuhl gefesselt eine Treppe runtergeschubst zu werden? Oder eine Fahrt auf Steel Hawg?

Bilder von hier: http://www.indianabeach.com/blog/?p=152


#5, RE: Das kanndonni wahsein!
Geschrieben von stilbruch am 16-Jun-08 um 18:37 Uhr

Na da haben die Herrschaften aber ganz schön Gas gegeben.
Am 10. Juni war gerademal der Lift fertig.

Irgendwie passt die Bahn da gar nicht richtig hin, der Park ist ansonsten Klasse und erinnert schon sehr an Blackpool.
Ferner ist dort mein heimlicher neuer Lieblingswoodie ansässig.

Gruß Dirk

5 Jahre www.onride.de

#6, RE: Das kanndonni wahsein!
Geschrieben von DragonKhan am 16-Jun-08 um 20:10 Uhr

Naja, vom "WTF?-Faktor" passt das Ding sogar ganz gut...

Und Dirk, mit dem "Heimlichen Lieblingswoodie" haben wir was gemeinsam.

The only difference between genius and insanity is success.
Gruss, DragonKhan

#7, RE: Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von jwahl am 09-Jul-08 um 09:42 Uhr

Das Video ist mau, aber das Ding läuft:



#8, RE: Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von jwahl am 13-Okt-08 um 11:45 Uhr

Die nächste Version geht übrigens 2009 ins Flamingoland.


#9, RE: Indiana Beach introducing Steel Hawg roller coaster for 2008
Geschrieben von Gronau am 13-Okt-08 um 13:33 Uhr

Cool - schön Thorpe ins Gehege kommen mit "steilstem Drop in UK"

#10, Jetzt auch in Flamingoland geöffnet
Geschrieben von Gronau am 26-Jul-09 um 23:40 Uhr
