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#0, Dutch Themepark The Efteling enchants visitors with Philips 3D
Geschrieben von Maaahzel am 11-Jul-07 um 15:55 Uhr
From June 28th. onwards, visitors to the Efteling theme park can experience an astonishing new form of visual magic. Philips WOWvx 3D-displays have been installed at a number of locations in the park and hotel to enable visitors to see for themselves the enchanting effect of 3D images on screen. Fairytale figures and other characters really seem to emerge out of the screen.

3D-display - spectacular without spectacles
The Efteling has been using 3D images in the PandaDream attraction, for some time now, supported by special surround effects. Following the enthusiastic public response to this, the Efteling decided to trial 3D-image displays at other locations in the park. “3D has a magical quality to it that exerts a strong power of attraction, which up till now could only be experienced by donning special viewing glasses,’ says Olaf Vugts, Marketing & Development director of the Efteling. “We had been looking for some time for a fresh, high-impact way to display information in the restaurants, cafés and elsewhere in the park. The Philips 3D-displays proved to be ideal. We have installed them at the theater, the hotel and the restaurant Lick your Lips (De Likkebaerd) and are evaluating the opportunities to use them on a wider scale.”

“The Efteling appeals to the imagination of every generation,” says Jos Swillens, CEO of Philips 3D Solutions. “So we are proud that as the Netherlands’ biggest theme park, the Efteling is now using our Philips 3D screens to enchant its visitors.”

The new 3D-displays are being used to show quite varied content. Including the promo clip of the new attraction The Flying Dutchman (De Vliegende Hollander) the intro of the animation series Fairytale Tree (Sprookjesboom) and the menu of the restaurant Lick your Lips (De Likkebaerd) to visitors to the Efteling Park itself, the Efteling Theater and the Efteling Hotel.

Quelle: Irish Dev

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