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#0, Madame Tussauds launches new Stardome attraction
Geschrieben von Ronin am 17-Jul-06 um 09:42 Uhr
Letzte Bearbeitung am 17-Jul-06 um 09:49 Uhr ()
http://www.attractions.co.uk berichtet am 13 Juli 2006:

Madame Tussauds launches new Stardome attraction

The London Planetarium, renamed the Stardome, is to launch its new attraction tomorrow (14 July).

Owned by Madame Tussauds, the Stardome has collaborated with Aardman Animations, the team behind the Oscar-winning Wallace and Gromit films, to launch The Wonderful World of Stars.

In a move that has angered many Planetarium patrons, the 20-minute movie, specially designed for projection on the building’s famous domed ceiling, will not focus on the kind of stars usually associated with the attraction, but on celebrity.

A spokesperson for Madame Tussauds said: “The Aardman tale explores the notion of earthly fame, but with an otherworldly twist. Legendary earthlings – from Marilyn Monroe to Muhammad Ali – are enthusiastically studied by aliens, who are a bit muddled by their subject matter. The excited aliens embark on a quest to understand those who have achieved eminence.”

The Evening Standard reported quoted astronomer Sir Patrick Moore as saying that the new show was “utter bosh” and “an awful waste”.

Madame Tussauds however, claims that interest in the old Planetarium show had declined dramatically in recent years and while many people recall fond memories of a childhood visit, they haven’t returned since.

Nicky Marsh, Madame Tussauds’ marketing director, said: “Although the Planetarium show was enjoyed enormously in its day, it became clear that the Stardome would need to undergo a transformation to make it a holistic part of the total Madame Tussauds offer.”

Link: http://www.attractions.co.uk/newsdetail.cfm?codeID=16105
