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#0, Richtigstellung: Unfall in Korea war kein Huss-Ride
Geschrieben von Alex am 24-Mar-04 um 18:06 Uhr
Letzte Bearbeitung am 24-Mar-04 um 18:06 Uhr ()


Soeben wurde ich von der Firma Huss informiert, dass es sich bei dem bekannten Koreaunfall ( Link zur Disskussion ) nicht um einen Shot'n Drop der Firma Huss handelt. Das Gerät weist nur eine starke Ähnlichkeit auf, der eigentliche Hersteller ist unbekannt.

Also: Huss ist nicht beteiligt!

Alexander Jeschke
Team Freizeitparkweb

#1, RE: Richtigstellung: Unfall in Korea war kein Huss-Ride
Geschrieben von tricktrack am 31-Mar-04 um 10:08 Uhr

Der Ärger mit billigen Kopien (Knock-Off Rides) und die Verwirrung um den Turm in Korea, hat Huss nun veranlaßt die Problematik in der einschlägigen Presse zu thematisieren:


Amusement Business
March 26, 2004
Knockoff Rides Called a Threat to the Industry

Knockoff amusement rides are posing a threat to the fixed ride and mobile ride industry, and the accident March 21 at South Korea's Riverside Parkland, in which two rescuers were critically injured, is a prime example of what can happen when such knockoff rides make their way into the market, says an executive of Huss Machinfabrick, a major ride maker based in Germany.

Huss COO Wilhelm Hundsdoerfer said the problem has been growing for a number of years and although the knockoffs resemble the original rides, they often lack the manufacturing quality assurance measures to which the originals are typically subject.

"Someone else might take (a mechanical drawing of a ride), but may not have the expertise in manufacturing," he told AB. "You can have cracks developing early in the process or the steel might be of inferior quality."

Unfortunately, said Hundsdorfer, the knockoff rides are attractive to buyers because they are offered at prices that undercut the originals by 75% or more.
Written by: James Zoltak