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Beitrag Nr.: 4995
#0, Schon wieder Feuer in Margate
Geschrieben von The Knowledge am 01-Dez-03 um 20:16 Uhr
Letzte Bearbeitung am 01-Dez-03 um 20:48 Uhr ()
Fairground in flames

Firefighters have tackled a fire at the closed Dreamland theme park in Margate.

Three engines were sent to the fire at 1515 GMT on Sunday, after a fairground ride was said to be "well-alight".

Kent Fire and Rescue Service said the ride was not the Scenic Railway, which is a Grade II listed structure.

A spokesman said the fire was brought under control in about half an hour but crews were still damping down at the scene.

(c) 2003 BBC


Zwei Feuer innerhalb von wenigen Monaten und ein Diebstahl aus der "Save the Coaster"-Kasse...ein Schelm, der Böses dabei denkt...


Here comes the sun!