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Beitrag Nr.: 4294
#0, Themeparkreview DVD
Geschrieben von Coasterboy am 12-Apr-03 um 23:18 Uhr
Eben per mail bekommen - die großartigen Themeparkreview Videos gibt es jetzt auf DVD:

Hey there!

I just wanted to let you know that we've finally finished our DVD project and our 2001, Europe, and 2002 videos are now on DVD! I've updated the website and order form with more information. You can find the link here:


The cost of the DVDs are $15 each, but we are offering a deal if you buy multiple DVDs. For 4 DVDs it's only $50, and you can get all 6 for $75! All prices include shipping (except for international orders), and there is more information on the order form!

We are still doing the 'honor system', so you don't have to pay in advance. If you'd like to place an order, just go to the 'quick and easy' order form and tell us what you want!

Thanks again for your support!
