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Foren-Name: Disney
Beitrag Nr.: 956
#0, Disney World's Spaceship Earth Going Back To It's Roots
Geschrieben von Maaahzel am 13-Jul-07 um 11:16 Uhr
Disney World's Spaceship Earth Going Back To It's Roots
EPCOT Vice President Jim MacPhee announced Thursday that the 257 foot tall Mickey arm, glove, and wand logo that was attached to the Spaceship Earth Attraction in 2000 will be taken down.

This is great news for many Disney purists, who felt the wand was an eyesore and didn't belong in EPCOT to begin with. "We think the timing of the removal is right", MacPhee said. A lengthy Spaceship Earth rehab beginning July 9 give them the perfect opportunity for them to take the 50 ton structure down. The completion of the removal will be coinciding with EPCOT's 25th Anniversary on October 1. The 36 foot high "Epcot" letters will also be removed.

Quelle: Magicalmountain

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Spaceship Earth Closing For Renovations
Sunday, July 08, 2007 8:58:00 PM

One of Walt Disney World's most well-known attractions shuts down Monday at least for a little while. Epcot is closing Spaceship Earth, the ride that operates inside the big geo-sphere at the front of the park.

Spaceship Earth recently got a new sponsor, and will be getting new video clips and special effects added. Disney will also be taking down that big wand on the outside of the building.

The ride is expected to re-open in mid-November.

Quelle: Central Florida News

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No more OT at Epcot

Attention, Epcot wand watchers. We have photos taken this afternoon of the crane and two missing letters. To my eye, a few stars are gone too, but I'm not quite that obsessive. Are you?

Link:Orlando Sentinel Blog

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#1, RE: Disney World's Spaceship Earth Going Back To It's Roots
Geschrieben von SoftwareFailure am 13-Jul-07 um 14:20 Uhr

Jetzt hatte ich mich gerade daran gewöhnt... abends sah das Ding doch gar nicht so schlecht aus!

#2, RE: Disney World's Spaceship Earth Going Back To It's Roots
Geschrieben von Moviemaniac79 am 15-Jul-07 um 09:33 Uhr

Ich finde es Ok, wenn man bedenkt dass der "Arm" ursprünglich eh nur für die Millenium Celebration angebracht war um den 2000er Schriftzug zu tragen...

Ab in den Urzustand!

#3, RE: Disney World's Spaceship Earth Going Back To It's Roots
Geschrieben von SFCoasterboy am 15-Jul-07 um 09:48 Uhr

Ich find es eher Schade hat wenigstens etwas mehr Farbe in den Bereich gebracht.

#4, RE: Disney World's Spaceship Earth Going Back To It's Roots
Geschrieben von Christian Ahuis am 19-Jul-07 um 17:19 Uhr

Sehr schade, ich fand das eigentlich sehr schön. Allerdings war der Schriftzug im Jahr 2000 weitaus ansehnlicher als der Epcot Schriftzug, der danach aufgesetzt wurde. Die Schrittype war grauselig...

Coastershop: Lift...Drop...Shop!

#5, Und weg...
Geschrieben von Tron am 27-Jul-07 um 13:51 Uhr

Letzte Bearbeitung am 27-Jul-07 um 13:52 Uhr ()

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