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Foren-Name: Disney
Beitrag Nr.: 857
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#0, MGM-Studios: Toter bei Rock'n'Roller Coaster
Geschrieben von Garg am 29-Jun-06 um 20:53 Uhr
Letzte Bearbeitung am 29-Jun-06 um 21:33 Uhr ()

gerade läuft live auf CNN, dass in Orlando ein Todesfall im Rock'n'Roller Coaster gab, ein 12-jähriger ist gestorben...

"12-year-old boy dies on Disney's Rock'n'Roller coaster at Disney-MGM studios in Orlando, Florida, officials tell CNN."


MIAMI, Florida (CNN -- A 12-year-old boy was pronounced dead after he rode a roller coaster at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

The boy was unresponsive when he was found in his seat at the end of the Rock 'N' Roller Coaster ride, said Terry McElroy of the Florida Department of Agriculture, which regulates the industry.

The boy, who was riding the coaster with his father, was given CPR and taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

A Disney representative was with the family Thursday afternoon and Disney officials were offering the boy's family "deepest sympathies."

The incident happened at 11:30 a.m.

Disney shut down the ride and a state inspector arrived to observe the Disney investigation. The Orange County Sheriff's Office is conducting an investigation as well.

Disney boasts of the ride on its Web site, "Zoom from 0 to 60 mph with the force of a supersonic F-14, take in high-speed loops and turns synchronized to a specially recorded Aerosmith soundtrack and zip through Tinseltown in the biggest, loudest limo you've ever seen."

It adds: "The 3,400-foot-long track is more than a half mile of sudden accelerations, dips, loops and twists and turns."

Children shorter than 4 feet are not permitted on the ride, according to the Web site.

One month ago, another child died on the Disney ride "Mission Space" at the Epcot Center.

(c) CNN


Letzteres stimmt allerdings nicht. Die 49-jährige Deutsche starb am 13. April 2006 und der 4-jährige Junge im Juni 2005, also vor einem Jahr.