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Foren-Name: Disney
Beitrag Nr.: 493
#0, Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von Tomsc am 30-Aug-03 um 15:33 Uhr
Letzte Bearbeitung am 30-Aug-03 um 15:40 Uhr ()
Disney hat für "California Adventure" einen Animatronic der neuen Generation geschaffen.
Er läuft durch den Park, reagiert auf die Berührungen von Besuchern und sieht einfach aus wie ein richtiges Lebewesen. So wie man Disney kennt haben sie für das Ding wieder Unmengen von Geld investiert, aber Geil isses schon irgendiwe

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Noch interessanter sind allerdings die Videos;
Video1, Video2, Video3

In Universals IOA gibt es im Jurassic-Park Bereich schon etwas länger den "Triceratops Discovery Trail" Infos darüber gibts hier Der Triceratops wirkt IMHO aber nicht so lebendig und dynamisch wie Lucky. (Ich kenne beide bloß von Videos)

MfG Tom-SimonChor
"Ich will Lucky auch mal streicheln!"

#1, RE: Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von Tron am 30-Aug-03 um 15:59 Uhr

Sicher, daß Obi Wan Kenobi (also der Typ mit der Kutte ) nicht nen Joystick in der Tasche hat?

#2, RE: Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von Tomsc am 30-Aug-03 um 16:02 Uhr

>Sicher, daß Obi Wan Kenobi (also der Typ mit der Kutte ) nicht nen Joystick in der
>Tasche hat?

Ja, denn der Typ der das bedient liegt/sitzt sicherlich im etwas großen Wagen den Lucky hinter sich her zieht

MfG Tom-SimonChor
"Der is ja soooooo süß!"

#3, RE: Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von Julian am 30-Aug-03 um 16:55 Uhr

aber in dem Video sieht man doch, das der OWK, die hand gar nicht immer in der Tasche hat, daher vermute ich auch, das einer in diesem wagen sitzt, und schwitzt.

#4, Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Coasters am 30-Aug-03 um 16:58 Uhr


LOS ANGELES -- Mr. Lincoln, your future could be in the hands of a dinosaur.

Walt Disney created a sensation at the New York World's Fair in 1964 when he introduced the world's first fully animated human figure in "Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln."

The audio-animatronic Lincoln quickly became a fixture at Disneyland and later at Walt Disney World's Hall of Presidents in Orlando.

Now, nearly 40 years later, Disney's Imagineers have fashioned a prototype of the next generation of audio-animatronic figures that's a far cry from Walt's childhood hero.

In fact, it's a 20-foot-long smiling dinosaur named Lucky that is fully mobile and can interact with guests -- through the help of a hidden operator. The creature, which grunts, hisses, bats his eyelashes and even signs autographs in the shape of a clover, madehis debut test-run at Disney's California Adventurelast week.

The new technology underscores a growing push by Disney, the world's largest theme-park operator, to find new ways of engaging customers by offering more intimate, interactive experiences. It also comes at a time when the entertainment giant is struggling through an industrywide slump that has eroded profits in its cornerstone theme-park business.

"In our business, you can't rest on your laurels; you've got to constantly invent what the future is," said Tom Fitzgerald, senior creative executive for Walt Disney Imagineering. "Walt always wanted his characters to live and breathe -- this is a natural evolution of that."

Someday, Disney says, Mr. Lincoln himself could be overhauled with the latest in audio animatronic technology, which would give him the ability to move off the stage to which he is now confined.

Disney won't say where or when it will roll out Lucky and other similar characters, because they're still in the experimental stage. But the company says the technology behind Lucky opens up vast new entertainment possibilities for characters to interact with customers in live shows and during random encounterson Main Street.

"Something like this has never been done before," said Burbank, Calif.-based theme-park consultant Bob Rogers, who has done work for Disney in the past. "It opens up new possibilities for all of us in the theme-park industry."

Lucky is part of a new generation of audio-animatronic figures that incorporate the latest in computer and battery technology to break free from the bounds of their equipment, becoming both mobile and portable.

Other figures include an animatronic Meeko, the raccoon character from the Disney animated movie Pocahontas,which made a limited appearance during a live show at Disneyland last year. Walt Disney World earlier this year introduced Pal Mickey, a talking doll that can be rented for $8 a day and serves as a park guide.

As part of this "Living Characters" initiative, Disney Imagineers also last year introduced an attraction at California Adventure featuring a virtual Stitch from the movie Lilo & Stitch. Stitch appears as a virtual character on a video screen and talks to kids through a telephone.

Shrouded in secrecy at Disney's Imagineering division in Glendale, Calif., the Lucky project has been five years in development.

Unlike the old animatronic figures that operated by hydraulics, Lucky is operated by electric motors and sensors that are controlled through a central computer, which regulates everything from the booming "thud" that accompanies Lucky's footsteps to the batting ofhis eyelashes.

Paramount was taking steps to make the creature safe for parkgoers, engineers said. One of the early hurdles was figuring out how to keep the 12-foot-tall, 450-pound beast upright. Designers stabilized Lucky, who is fashioned from foam latex, by fasteninghim to a flower-filled cart that conceals a human operator.

The operator oversees Lucky's controls, enablinghim to respond in real time to human interactions through a series of preprogrammed actions, including sneezing and signing autographs. Another person, dressed as magician, guides the dinosaur ashe lumbers through the crowds.

Lucky is patterned after the Gallimimus dinosaur, but designers took some liberties to softenhis image sohe wouldn't scare children. To capture the right movements, engineers crawled on the floor to simulate movements and consulted with animators who worked on Disney's digitally animated movie, Dinosaur.

"The biggest challenge was how do you go from a blank chalkboard and a bunch of hardware to a child petting a dinosaur that he believes is real," said chief designer Bruce Vaughn, vice president of research and development at Walt Disney Imagineering. "There was nothing we could look at to compare this to."

(c) http://www.orlandosentinel.com

Sebastian Horacek alias Coasters


#5, RE: Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Julian am 30-Aug-03 um 17:01 Uhr

Letzte Bearbeitung am 30-Aug-03 um 17:02 Uhr ()
Letzte Bearbeitung am 30-Aug-03 um 17:01 Uhr ()
Oh man, das Bild sieht aus, als ob man ihm in seine..... tritt

#6, RE: Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Tomsc am 30-Aug-03 um 17:05 Uhr

>Oh man, das Bild sieht aus, als ob man ihm in seine..... tritt

MfG Tom-SimonChor
"Hilfe, wann ist das Honk-Sommerloch wieder zu?"

#7, RE: Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Julian am 30-Aug-03 um 17:07 Uhr

War ja nur ein Scherz

#8, RE: Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Looping Star am 30-Aug-03 um 19:20 Uhr

Wenn ich den Gesichtsausdruck richtig interpretiere, scheints du es zu geniessen, wenn jemand deine Genitalien tracktiert.

#9, RE: Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Julian am 30-Aug-03 um 20:01 Uhr

Letzte Bearbeitung am 30-Aug-03 um 20:02 Uhr ()
oder der hat Blähungen, und hat gerade einen in die Wildnis gelassen

#13, RE: Dinosaur is newest Disney animatron
Geschrieben von Grusel_Leo am 01-Sep-03 um 21:04 Uhr

Also erstmal:
Wieder einmal zeigen die Imagineers, was sie können. Aber ganz toll finde ich folgendes:
"Designers stabilized Lucky, who is fashioned from foam latex, by fasteninghim to a flower-filled cart that conceals a human operator."

Also sitzt da doch einer hinten im Karren drin. Der Arme *g*
Aber trotzdem ist Lucky ein Meilenstein und wirkt verdammt realistisch!

"Das Universum ist auch nicht mehr das, was es einmal war"
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#10, RE: Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von Tim Iser am 31-Aug-03 um 11:27 Uhr

Ich habe mir mal 20 Minuten Zeit genommen und eines der Videos heruntergeladen. Die Bewegungen sind Klasse und die Figur einfach eine tolle Idee. Störend ist nur der lästige Karren, aber anderfalls hätte die Figur wohl keinen Halt. Die Bewegungen waren wahrscheinlich auch nur so zu realisieren.
Ich befürchte nur, dass bei der Entwicklung von Dino Lucky mehr Imagineers beteiligt waren, als bei der gesamten Planung von Dino Rama in Animal Kingdom.

#11, RE: Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von Nygmatech_Inc am 01-Sep-03 um 00:00 Uhr

Ehhh* Platt*
Die Dinosaurier haben wir schon mal wieder zum Leben erweckt, was kommt als nächstes?

#12, RE: Lucky, Disneys `New-Generation`-Animatronic
Geschrieben von BerndDasBrot am 01-Sep-03 um 00:34 Uhr

Als nächstes lernt Nygmaspack_Sick vernünftige Postings zu schreiben? Hm, nein, wohl doch nicht!