URL: https://Freizeitparkweb.de/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Foren-Name: Disney
Beitrag Nr.: 1279
#0, Danke! Neue Vekomabügel für SM
Geschrieben von fabred am 24-Feb-12 um 03:37 Uhr
Damit der Weltraumberg seinem Kürzel weniger gerecht wird:
"(...)each seat of all Space Mounain trains will have soon a new harness designed by Vekoma. (...)This new hydraulic harness is totally different than the previous one and the head will be free, so no more knocks of the head. Last week, Vekoma came at DLP to test it and installed this new harness at the last row of one Space Mountain train. Then, they asked DLP cast members if they would like to test it. Several CM did try it and all were literally in heaven when the train came back at the boarding station. Basically, thanks to the new harness "it's night and day" from the previous one and the ride just become exhilarating again.(...)according to the Vekoma guys who were there Space Mountain trains won't be equipped with this new harness before the end of 2012. If there is no technical or theming problems as the trains might need to be transformed a bit if the new harness is larger than the previous one.(...)"


#1, RE: Danke! Neue Vekomabügel für SM
Geschrieben von Lindsay am 24-Feb-12 um 10:04 Uhr

Gott sei Dank!!

Nach meinem letzten Besuch in Paris hatte ich meinem Kopf versprochen, nie wieder Space Mountain zu fahren.

Jetzt gebe ich der Bahn nach dem Umbau doch noch eine Chance. Schließlich war sie mal meine Lieblingsachterbahn! HEUL!!!


#2, RE: Danke! Neue Vekomabügel für SM
Geschrieben von Bomml87 am 11-Mar-12 um 09:42 Uhr

Ich freu mich drauf!