#0, Roller Coaster Tycoon Newsgroup
Geschrieben von Geisbock am 22-Sep-02 um 02:17 Uhr
Hi Leute, ich weiß nicht ob dies schonmal irgendwann gepostet wurde, aber kennt Ihr schon die RCT Newsgroup? news:alt.games.rctycoon Hier mal ein Auszug: =============== I agree, SF is a joke! I pray that when the next RCT3 comes out. they will have enough sence to use parks like Cedar Fair, Paramount, or some of the better parks. if the game is going to use SF tallent, then the game will be a flop, and always break down, or have really stupid ride operators, who jump out in front of moving trains. or will just be plain rude..... =============== *gg*