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Foren-Name: Rollercoaster Games
Beitrag Nr.: 745
#0, Scream Machines Interview...
Geschrieben von Coasters am 04-Jun-02 um 15:39 Uhr
Scream Machines Interview...

I had the pleasure of putting together a small interview with Brain Grooms (aka DragonIOA), the creator of Scream Machines.

Shaggs: What is Scream Machines?

Brian: Scream Machines is a new Roller Coaster Simulator, it's not a game in the strict sense of the word; you don't have any goals or scenery to complete in order to progress. It's just intended to let you create and ride you own coaster creations!

Shaggs: What inspired you to create a rollercoaster simulator? Why?

Brian: The original Disney’s Coaster game inspired me to create SM. Of course, I had to wait until my programming skills were up to it, and computers were fast enough to handle what I had in mind. Computers still aren’t quite up to what I really want to accomplish, but they are getting closer .

Shaggs: With other rollercoaster simulators already out there, and a few yet to be released, what pulls Scream Machines away from the rest?

Brian: One major feature that SM has that no other sim does is the variable terrain. It also is the most “open” of the simulators. You can change just about any aspect of the game. You can import your own trains, stations, storage sheds, scenery objects, trees, and themes (meaning land, backdrop, skies, etc). About the only thing the user can’t do is create their own track style. This isn’t feasible is because the track modules are optimized for each track style to give the best performance. There are a few unannounced features that will set it apart from other sims as well.

Shaggs: Since the release of Demo2, what changes have you done to the game engine, as far as graphics, sound, and controls go? And how far along is it?

Brian: The game engine is completely different than the demos. The entire game has been rewritten from scratch. The editors in the game are totally different than the demo versions. They should be much easier to use now once you get the hang of them. The graphics are much more detailed, but there are options to turn down the detail for slower systems. I’m working hard to make the sound effects more realistic. And there are some new sound features in there as well. The game engine is about 90% done. I expect to have it finished in the next two or three weeks.

Shaggs: What kind of track styles, features, etc.. are planned for the final release?

Brian: The styles I’ve already announced for the initial release:

B&M sitdown

B&M inverted


Arrow looper

Arrow 4D

Wooden coasters

Vekoma Flying

There will be 12 to 14 different styles in the initial release. Some of the styles will have multiple train styles as well.

Shaggs: When and where will we be able to buy Scream Machines? How much will it cost? And will there be a Mac OS X version?

Brian: Most likely it will be available as a pay-for-download off the internet. If that is the case, it will be $25. There has been some interest from publishers, so it could still end up in stores. A Mac version is not planned simply because I don’t have access to a Mac.

Shaggs: What do you have planned, as far as the game goes, after the release of the final version?

Brian: I have one major feature update planned so far. Other than that, I plan on releasing new tracks styles, scenery models, and trains. I’m going to focus more on track styles than the other add-ons though.

Shaggs: This may be a bit off topic, but since you created the DragonsIOA trainers for Rollercoaster Tycoon, with Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 hitting stores in October, will there be another set of DragonsIOA trainers?

Brian: This has been a popular question lately J I really hope a trainer won’t be needed for it. I have 2 projects planned after SM is finished, so I don’t know if I will have the time to do another trainer. I’m waiting to see the actual game before deciding for sure. If it allows access to the scenario editor right away, and you can create scenarios that just allow you to build and not worry about money, and goals, then I probably won’t do a trainer.

Shaggs: Any comments or notes you would like to add?

Brian: I’d like to thank everyone for being patient. I think the final product will be worth the wait .

I would like to thank Brian Grooms for letting me have a few minutes of his time to put this together for you, the coaster fan!

If you would like to find out more about Scream Machines, please vist ScreamMachinesGame.com

Bilder unter: http://www.screammachinesgame.com/

(c) http://zerognetwork.com/SMinterview.shtml

Sebastian Horacek alias Coasters