URL: https://Freizeitparkweb.de/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Foren-Name: Rollercoaster Games
Beitrag Nr.: 1122
Beitrag Nr.: 13
#13, assert(graka_gut_genug);
Geschrieben von Boris am 30-Sep-04 um 09:26 Uhr

Letzte Bearbeitung am 30-Sep-04 um 09:47 Uhr ()
>Auch ein Fehler, der schon in den Atari-Foren aufgetaucht ist.
>Anscheinend hat es was mit (aelteren) Onboard-Grafikkarten zu tun...

Streiche das anscheinend und entferne die Klammern um aeltern:

David Braben wrote:
I'm afraid it means your graphics card is below the minimum spec. and can't play the demo. Sorry. Apologies for the ugliness of this message. We did (until recently) have a check for the minimum-spec machine, and refused to run - but we removed this when we found some machines that were OK even though they were technically below it.

Fuer alle, die glauben, dass ihre Karte eigentlich doch reichen muesste der Tipp:

David Braben wrote:
It seems I was mistaken - although it will do this on sub min-spec machines, it is clearly also doing it on some machines that should be fine with the game. Sorry about this.

It is a problem we cannot reproduce here yet (other than on sub min-spec machines) - so we think there must be something we are not aware of. In order to get to the bottom of it, could those who get this message please send an email to rct3demo@frontier.co.uk together with their DxDiag.txt from their machine and Options.txt from the demo. Could you also describe the problem - and let us know if there is anything unusual about the settings of your machine or settings of the graphics card (like using control panel programs to alter the graphic card settings like anti-aliasing etc).

We have the game (and demo) running fine on machines that appear to be the same as those here with the problem. You may be able to click through by clicking 'Abort' - but since we don't know the cause it is difficult to tell what the behaviour will be afterwards - but whether it runs or not subsequently, this would be useful to know.

mfg Boris