URL: https://Freizeitparkweb.de/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Foren-Name: Rollercoaster Games
Beitrag Nr.: 1039
#0, Sea World Tycoon
Geschrieben von flightsurf am 13-Okt-03 um 21:11 Uhr

Just landed on the shelf at my local Target, so of course I snatched it up before it had a chance to gather any dust! This is the game that we were hoping Wild Rides would be, manage your own waterpark, in the classic isometric tycoon game perspective, with the added bonus of an official Sea World license! Who knew? Activision Value has surprised us again!

This one has it all folks, scenario AND sandbox modes, so you can play by the rules or make your own rules! All three real-world SW parks are featured: Sea World Orlando, Sea World San Antonio, & Sea World San Diego! You build your own rides, attractions, exhibits, shows, buildings, etc., including the coasters! Journey to Atlantis, Kraken, Great White, Steel Eel, they're all there! Although unfortunately they're not terribly accurate, so you'll probably be as disappointed as I am that they're only park-map-style representations of the real thing. I guess they didn't think it really mattered, since it's not supposed to be about the coasters, but still you'd think they could've tried a little harder to make them accurate!

Anyhow, that gripe aside, the rest of it is everything you ever hoped for. Fantastic graphics, and all the animals that you could want, including the world famous Anheiser Busch Budweiser Clydesdales! Now how cool is that? You get Shamu AND some good brew! Who could ask for more? It's like Zoo Tycoon meets Roller Coaster Tycoon, and yes the graphics are much more like Zoo Tycoon than they are like Roller Coaster Tycoon 2! No cheese-fest here kids, this is the real deal! We OWN Sea World parks!

OK, now let's review: Sea World Tycoon, published by Activision Value, developed by Deep Red, only $20! I found mine at a Target store, but I haven't seen it at any other stores yet, and I got one of only two copies they had. Better run out there and find it before all your friends do first!

Quelle: www.rctstation.net

Von mir gibt´s dazu erstmal kein Kommentar!

www.rct2-online.com | www.r-c-t.de

#1, RE: Sea World Tycoon
Geschrieben von Tomsc am 13-Okt-03 um 21:16 Uhr

Vorsicht; Das Spiel ist äusserst langweilig!

Nach ca. 40min. Spielzeit ist total die Luft raus und man hat garkeine Lust mehr weiterzuspielen.
Die Auswahl an Rides, Tiergehegen, Shows uns Ständen/Toiletten ist ziemlich schwach.
Die unübersichtliche Grafik maerledigt noch den Rest.

Ich würde vom Kauf abraten, da ist wahrscheinlich die Investition in das neue RCT2 AddoOn sinnvoller.

"Der wo das NICHT weiterempfiehlt"

#2, RE: Sea World Tycoon
Geschrieben von TaiHin am 14-Okt-03 um 10:38 Uhr

Würde ich auch mal sagen, weil ich es auch habe. Kann ja, wenn ihr wollt Bilder posten. Ok?

#3, RE: Sea World Tycoon
Geschrieben von TheMIR am 14-Okt-03 um 20:54 Uhr

Gerne! Ich habe noch nie zuvor von diesem Game gehört
Hört sich zumindest intressant an, da ich ein grosser Fan des Seaworlds in Orlando war