URL: https://Freizeitparkweb.de/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Foren-Name: Plauderecke
Beitrag Nr.: 5286
#0, Werner Stengel - Homepage
Geschrieben von MAG am 11-Jan-04 um 21:56 Uhr
Das habe ich auf der Homepage von Werner Stengel gefunden: http://members.aol.com/rcstengel (Ist das überhaupt die Offizielle Homepage?)
Hello Friends,
We are planning a dramatically re-launch of our web-site at a new place.

Start will be in early 2004.

We want to invite all old and new friends to design us a new site.
Of course you must spend a couple of hours (days?) making this happen and free of charge, but isn't it worth to be part of our team?

We would like to make this as a competition.
You send us your suggestions, we choose the best site and …
… the winner will get an invitation to Munich (no air-/train fare)!!!!!
That means:
• 1 free night in a Munich hotel
• 1 dinner at an original Bavarian restaurant
• a visit to our office (1/2 day) in the presence of Mr. Stengel
• remarkable photos with the team
• Souvenirs

Shortly we will start posting the conditions and our ideas of content, size, etc.

Questions? Please mail to: info@RCStengel.com

Thank you.
Andreas Wild
Gruss MAG

#1, RE: Werner Stengel - Homepage
Geschrieben von Twister-Sister am 12-Jan-04 um 16:46 Uhr

>Of course you must spend a couple of hours (days?)

Wenn es eine "gescheite" Page werden soll, dann reichen ein paar Stunden Zeitaufwand allerdings keineswegs.

Gruß Twisi
Du wirst alt wie ne Kuh - und lernst immer noch dazu...

#2, RE: Werner Stengel - Homepage
Geschrieben von DragonKhan am 12-Jan-04 um 19:10 Uhr

Danke fuer die extra Konkurrenz........

The only difference between genius and insanity is success.
Gruss, Dragon der sich zu frueh freute Khan