URL: https://Freizeitparkweb.de/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Foren-Name: Allgemeines Forum
Beitrag Nr.: 6349
Beitrag Nr.: 8
#8, RE: Six Flags trennt sich von Parks (ua. Magic Mountain)!!!!
Geschrieben von fabred am 24-Jun-06 um 21:09 Uhr

Diese Möglichkeit wurde von Anfang an auch in der Six Flags-Mitteilung genannt:

"Although the Company cannot predict when, or if, any specific transaction will occur with respect to these properties, potential options include a sale of the parks as going concerns in a single transaction or a series of transactions, dismantling and re-utilizing certain rides and attractions and selling the underlying land for real estate development purposes, as well as other potential alternatives."