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Beitrag Nr.: 4039
Beitrag Nr.: 8
#8, RE: Cedar Point Artikel
Geschrieben von stinker am 09-Jan-03 um 11:22 Uhr

Es ist soweit:


Track Length: 2,800 feet
Lift Height: 420 feet
Angle of Lift Hill: 90 degrees
Vertical Drop: 400 feet
Angle of Descent: 90 degrees
Angle of Twist on Descent: 270 degrees

Launch Speed: Approximately 120 mph in four seconds
Drop Speed: Approximately 120 mph
Capacity Approximately 1,500 riders per hour

und was Cedar Point dazu sagt:

First roller coaster EVER to top 400 feet
First coaster EVER to reach speeds of 120 mph
First “strata-coaster” built on planet Earth