URL: https://Freizeitparkweb.de/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Foren-Name: Disney
Beitrag Nr.: 885
Beitrag Nr.: 22
#22, WDS - Stitch Encounter - Soft Opening im Dezember?
Geschrieben von Ronin am 01-Aug-07 um 08:51 Uhr

<...>THEN HERE WE GO: rumors are spreading among cast members and fans re-enforcing hopes of many fans that guests might be able to drop into the Twilight Zone already in 2007! While the Halloween date is no longer mentioned (rumored more than a year ago as the opening date) and the official advertising doesn't budge (but sticks to an "opening early 2008" line) word on the streets and walkways is now that the resort might call in Santa Claus for some extra help to surprise cast members and guests with the opening of the Tower of Terror as a special gift for the Christmas day 2007! According to the same rumors Santa Claus would also have something for all guests to young or scared to venture into the dilapidated Hollywood Tower Hotel: the Stitch attraction in the Disney Channel building might open as a Christmas gift as well!
The rumors does not mention though, whether these openings (if they would take place) would be for imited previews only during selected times or for full operations...<...>

Quelle: http://www.dlp.info/Guide/News-And-Rumours/Current-News-and-Rumours.asp?newsnr=507#507